Bone Crossed(91)


The Monster was charming and, I hoped, unaware that I was anything except a not-very-interesting VW mechanic.

Except for that one moment, I'd mostly avoided notice.

Almost euphoric at my near escape, I didn't worry about ghosts at all while I changed.

Then I went back downstairs to help Amber with the cleanup.

She must have been worried or something, too, because she was nearly as giddy as I was.

We had an impromptu water fight in the kitchen that ended in a draw when her husband stuck his head in the doorway to see what the noise was all about, and nearly got a sponge in the face for his trouble.

Discretion suggested that having escaped detection once, I should head home in the morning.

But Amber was a little drunk, so I decided that conversation could wait until later.

Dishes clean, clothes wet and soapy, I left Amber necking with her husband in the kitchen.

I opened the bedroom door to find Chad in the middle of my bed, his arms crossed over his chest.

I could smell his fear from the doorway.

I closed the door behind me and took a good look around the room.

"Ghost?" I mouthed.

He glanced around the room, too, then shook his head.

"Not here? In your room?" He gave me a cautious nod.

"How about we go in your room, then." Terror breathing out of every pore, he slipped off the bed and followed me to his room: brave kid.

He opened his bedroom door cautiously--and then pushed it open, being very careful to keep his feet in the hallway.

"I assume you don't usually keep that bookcase facedown on the floor," I told him.

He gave me a dirty look, but he lost some of his fear.

I shrugged.

"Hey, my boyfriend has a daughter"--boyfriend was such an inadequate word--"and I had a pair of little sisters.

None of them keeps a clean room.

I had to ask." Except for the bookcase, it was hard to tell what part of the mess was a normal boy's habitat and how much the ghost had caused.

But the bookcase, one of those half-sized things people put in kids' rooms, was easy to fix.

I squeezed past Chad and into the room.

The bookcase was even lighter than I'd thought.

When I started reshelving his books, he knelt beside me and helped.

He read a little of everything--and not entirely limited to things I'd think a kid would read: Jurassic Park, Interview with the Vampire, and H.
