Bone Crossed(5)

"I just bet he was telling you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth right then." I tightened my grip on him--somehow my hands had landed on his lower back.

"Probably not.

So all you needed was my agreement?" He grunted.

"It won't help with the pack, not until it's for real.

But with Samuel out of the way, I thought you'd be able to decide if you were interested or not.

If you weren't interested, I could regroup.

If you agreed to be mine, I can wait until Hell freezes over for you." His words sounded reasonable, but his scent told me something else.

It told me that my reasonable tones had soothed his worries, and his mind was now on something other than our discussion.

Fair enough.

Being this close to him, feeling his heat against me, feeling his heartbeat race because he wanted me ...

someone told me that knowing someone desires you is the greatest aphrodisiac.

It was certainly true for me.

"Of course," he said, still in that curiously calm voice, "waiting is much easier in abstract than reality.

I need you to tell me to back off, all right?" "Mmm," I said.

He brought a cleanness with him that washed the feel of Tim off my skin far better than the shower did--but only when he touched me.

"Mercy." I lowered my hands, sliding them beneath the waistline of his jeans and digging my nails lightly into his skin.

He growled something more, but neither of us was listening.

He turned his head and tilted it.

I expected serious and got playful as he nipped at my lower lip.

The roughness of his teeth sent tingles to my fingertips, zings past my knees and down to my toes.

Potent things, Adam's teeth.

I brought my suddenly shaking hands around to worry at the button on his jeans, and Adam jerked his head up and put a staying hand on mine.

Then I heard it, too.

"German car," he said.

I sighed, slumping against him.

"Swedish," I corrected him.

"Four- year-old Volvo station wagon.

Gray." He looked at me in surprise that quickly turned to comprehension.

"You know the car." I moaned and tried to hide in his shoulder.

"Damn, damn.