Bone Crossed(211)

Years of karate had honed my reflexes, and I was faster than a human would have been.

But I was weak--an apple a day might keep the doctor away, but it's not, by itself, the best diet for optimum performance.

After a time that was too short for my ego to be happy, he had me pinned.

He left me aware this time when he bit my neck.

It hurt the whole time, either a further punishment or Stefan's bites were giving him trouble--I didn't know enough to tell.

When he tried to feed me in return, I fought as hard as I could and finally he grabbed my jaw and forced his gaze on me.

I woke up on the far side of the cage, and Blackwood was gone.

Chad was making noise, trying to get my attention.

I rose to hands and knees.

When it was quite clear that I wasn't going to get up farther than that, I sat up instead of standing.

Chad stopped making those sad, desperate sounds.

I made the sign he'd taught me for the "f-word" and finger-spelled, very slowly with clumsy fingers.

"That's it.

No more Ms.

Nice Girl.

Next time I scalp him." It made him smile a very little.

Corban was sitting in the middle of their cage looking at a mark in the cement.

"Well, oakman," I said, tiredly.

"Is it daylight or darkness?" Before he answered me, Stefan was there in my cage.

I blinked stupidly at him.

I'd given up on him, but I hadn't realized it until he was there.

I reached out and touched his arm lightly to make sure he was real.

He patted my hand and gave a quick look up as if he could see through the ceiling to the floor above.

"He knows I'm here.

Mercy--" "You have to take Chad," I told him urgently "Chad?" Stefan followed my gaze and stiffened.

He started to shake his head.

"Blackwood killed his mother--but left her a zombie to do his chores until I killed her for real." I told him.

"Chad has to be taken to safety." He stared at the boy, who was staring back.

"If I take him, I can't come back for a couple of nights.

I'll be unconscious, and no one knows where you are but me--and Marsilia." He bit her name out as if he still weren't happy with her.