Bone Crossed(162)

Then she looked at me, a look of such malevolence I had to work not to step back even though there was half of a very large room between us.

She closed her eyes and brought her features back under control.

"Wulfe," she asked, "do you have it?" "I do, Mistress," the vampire said.

He stood up and drifted over to her, pulling an envelope out of his back pocket.

Marsilia looked at it, bit her lip, then said in a low voice, "Give it to her." Wulfe altered his path so he came more directly to us.

He handed me the envelope that was none the worse for the time it had spent in his pocket.

It was heavy paper, the kind that wedding invitations or graduation announcements are engraved on.

Stefan's name was gracefully lettered across the front.

It was sealed with red wax that smelled like vampire and blood.

"You will give this to Stefan," Marsilia said.

"Tell him there is information here.

Not apologies or excuses." I took the envelope and felt a strong desire to crumple it and drop it on the floor.

"Bernard is right," I said.

"You used Stefan.

Hurt him, broke him, in order to play your little game.

You don't deserve him." Marsilia ignored me.

"Hauptman," she said with calm courtesy, "I thank you for your warning about Blackwood.

In return for this, I accede to your truce.

The signed documents will be sent to your house." She took a deep breath and turned from Adam to me.

"It is the judgement of this night that the action you took against us ...

killing Andre ...

has not resulted in damage to the seethe.

That you had no intention of moving against the seethe was borne out by your truth- tested testimony." She sucked in a breath.

"It is my judgement that the seethe suffered no harm, and you are not an ally turned traitor.

No further punishment will be taken against you--and the crossed bones will be removed ..." She glanced down at her wrist.

"I can do it tonight," said Wulfe in gentle tones.

She nodded.

"Removed before dawn." She hesitated, then said in a quiet voice, as if the words were pulled from her throat, "This is for Stefan.

If it were up to me, your blood and bones would nourish my garden, walker.

Take care not to push me again." She turned on her heel and left out the same door Bernard had taken.