The Path To Us - Jennifer Van Wyk Page 0,94

I hit the spot deep inside her and she flies. Her screams are loud and make Macaroni bark. I roar through my release and hold her close.

“Oh my gosh. That was so good, Beau.”

“It was ten minutes of hard sex, of course it was good.”

She laughs and the movement causes me to jerk inside her, making her go, “Ohh!” followed by a sigh of contentment.

I grab a couple paper towels and we clean ourselves up.

“I love that you wanted to show me that, Beau, but it’s not as if I haven’t seen it before,” she says like the little smart ass she is.

I smack her butt. “No, you brat. That’s not what I wanted to show you. You just distracted me.”

“Oh. Sorry?”

“No, you’re not.”

She grins and I can’t say as though I’m sorry, either.

“So what is it you wanted to show me, then?”

“We need to grab a flashlight and head out to the barn for the surprise.”

Her eyes light up and she claps. “Beau! Are you serious right now?”

“Guess you’ll have to find out.”

She practically knocks me down as she shoves me aside to race me out the door, Macaroni at her heels. She’s already halfway to the barn, using the moonlight to guide her way. I rush to catch up with her and when I do, she’s already at the door, bouncing on her toes.

“I’m so excited! Holy crap.”

“Calm down. You don’t want to freak them out.”

“Them. Oh my gosh, I can’t wait!”

I roll my eyes but love her enthusiasm.

The door to the barn creaks when I open it, the smell of fresh hay wafting up my nose the second I do.

“Which stall?”

I point to where the duo is making their home and she calms herself down enough to walk slowly toward them.

“Hi, guys,” she coos. “I’m Addy.”

“You’re mama,” I correct her.

“Mama. I’m a donkey mama,” she damn near squeals. “Hi, Milly. Hi, Billy.”

They each take a step back, still shy of their new surroundings. But unlike she was showing earlier, Addy has all the patience in the world for them to come to her. She clucks her tongue and holds out her hand with a carrot that I grabbed from the fridge before I left the house. She snaps it in half and offers a piece to each. They sniff then slowly take it from her outstretched hand.

These two have no idea what they’re in for with Addy and Zoey. I hope they like company because they’ll never have privacy again.

“Beau,” she whispers when Milly nudges at Addy’s hand. “They’re so precious.”

She’s right. They are. Donkeys are often forgotten, especially when their horse cousins are around. But donkeys have their purpose and I can’t wait to give them a home.

“You think they’ll get on okay with the goats?”

I shrug. “I have no idea but I would think so. Richard seems to think so, anyway.”

We have a ragtag group of animals here. Chickens, goats, donkeys, three cows, and more cats than I can count. I have absolutely no clue how to take care of them, but that’s what we have Richard for. He not only loves to teach me the ins and outs of farming, it helps him keep busy. Gives him something to do. And, of course, it gives him a reason to visit his old home.

“They’re amazing. Zoey is going to fall in love. She’ll never want to come home again.”

That wasn’t my plan, but it’s a good bonus.

The sooner I get Zoey on my side of moving here with me, the sooner I’ll get Addy to join.

But I had patience for years to make Addy mine and it didn’t kill me. I might not want to wait, but I will. Besides, it’s been fun navigating this path to us.



Five Years Later

“Oooh. Pop is gonna be mad at you, Dad.”

“No, he won’t.”

Zoey looks skeptical and rightfully so. Richard will probably not be very happy with me, but I don’t care. He’ll only stay mad for a minute or two then he’ll get over it. After all, we did this for him. Because we love him. I just hope he sees it that way.

Though, it might go over better if Addy tells him by herself. He definitely has a softer spot for her than he does for me. I’m a close… fifth. Maybe sixth some days.


Zoey’s right.

He’s gonna be mad.

“Daddy, up,” our two-year-old daughter Drydon says from her place by my feet. I bend over and pick her up, placing her on my hip with one arm under Copyright 2016 - 2024