The Path To Us - Jennifer Van Wyk Page 0,92

they have local bands come in on the weekends and it’s a place that isn’t all about the booze. So for Tyson and his sobriety, it’s not a problem. This is the second time we’ve gone out with Tyson and while it’s a tad bit uncomfortable, it’s not entirely.

“Nothing much. Thinking I’ll buy that place with the ugly green kitchen you showed me. I can do most of the work myself.”

I laugh then see the look on his face. “Oh. You’re serious?”

His bright white teeth show when he smiles. “Fuck off, man. Of course I’m serious. How hard can it be?”

Addy presses her lips together to keep from laughing but I do nothing of the sort. “Maybe have a backup plan just in case.”

He chuckles then leans forward, stealing one of Addy’s fries.

Tyson and I are fast eaters while Addy eats slower than anyone I’ve ever met. She always has over half her plate left when mine is empty, or I’m on my second helping.

“Well, I’ve got the time. If I fuck it all up, I’ll hire someone to fix it. I just don’t want to build a house. Everyone’s expecting that and I don’t need it. It’s just me. Why do I need some several thousand square foot home?”

He’s got a point, even if it surprises me.

We talk a little more about his plans for the house, Addy not being able to stay out of that conversation for sure, before the air in the bar changes and suddenly.

“Fuck.” I hear Tyson say lowly. “Do I have a chip in my neck or somethin’?”

I look over to see Lizzy making her way to us. But her eyes aren’t on Tyson. Oh, no. They’re aimed right at me.

“Wha…” Addy says, turning around then, “Ohhhh.”

Before we can stop her, Lizzy’s taking the empty fourth seat at our table.

“Look at this! Just like old times.”

“Hi, Lizzy,” Addy says. She doesn’t sound at all happy to see her and I smirk.

“Hi, Addy. What are you up to? Just met up with our guys?”

Damn, she’s the most ridiculous person I’ve ever met. How I ever dated her is beyond me. I don’t know what I was thinking.

“Sure. Let’s go with that,” Addy replies and Tyson coughs. “What are you up to?”

“Oh, same old, same old.” She waves her hand in a circle then gestures toward a guy at the bar. “I’m out with that one but,” she sticks a finger into her mouth and makes a gagging sound because apparently she’s twelve years old, “it isn’t working out. I’m glad I found y’all.”

“What makes you say that?” Tyson asks, irritably.

“Because we can hang out! I can ditch him.”

Tyson tries to go gentle. “Nah. Wouldn’t expect you to be rude to your date.”

“Oh, it’s not rude. He’ll understand. Besides,” she glances at me and I work hard not to cringe, “you and I have so much catching up to do. I heard you started your own business! That’s so exciting, Beau. You would be the perfect boss,” she purrs, seduction laced heavily in her tone.

Where Tyson was going gentle, I don’t have the patience. Because she takes it about ten steps too far and places a hand on my arm like I’m hers to touch. I jerk it out of her grip. “You’re not hearing him, Lizzy. He’s good. I’m good. Addy’s good. Addy and I are together, which you know but are pretending not to, and Tyson got sick of your ass years ago. I suggest you go back to that guy while you’re still interesting to him. But listen to me one last time. This whole routine of yours where you think you’re really something and can get any guy you want, whether they’re attached or not, is old. You’re better than that. Or, at least, I hope you are. So move along. Go back to your date, Lizzy.”

“You and Addy are together?”

“Duh!” Addy shouts and I choke on a laugh.

“Uh, why is this surprising?” Tyson asks. “It’s been the two of them since forever.”


“Move along, Lizzy.” Addy’s mom voice has come out and it’s here to play, making Tyson and I scoot back in our seats a bit. “I guarantee you knew we were together. You just thought you could weasel your way in. But you’re wrong. Beau’s mine.”

“Holy shit, dude, she just claimed you. How hard are you for her right now?” Tyson asks boldly.

“Gross, Tyson. You never grow up, do you?” Lizzy says with a sneer.

“Maybe not. But at least I Copyright 2016 - 2024