The Path To Us - Jennifer Van Wyk Page 0,7

the kids on the opposing team to also lose focus and soon they were just running in circles. I can’t imagine that T-ball would be much different. But that’s part of the fun. The innocence at that age is undeniably addictive to be around. They aren’t competitive and just want to have fun.

Chris laughs with me and then says, “Right? I mean they’re kids. Who cares this much? We need someone with more patience and understanding that this is just supposed to be about having fun.”

“And let me guess, you nominated me.”

“I did,” he admits, unapologetically.

“Why not you? Or one of the other parents?”

“Because you love your niece and the game and don’t have shit else to do. We also want someone who’s not going to play favorites with their own kids.”

“Favorites? What the hell are you talking about? First off, I’m definitely going to favor Squirt,” I tell him, using the nickname I have for his daughter. “Second, what is there to play favorites about? The kids are supposed to take turns at all the positions and at bat, right?”

“Of course, but that’s not the way a lot of people look at it. And you might favor her any other time but I know you well enough that you’d take this seriously. Anyway, we’re about to kick the dad out as coach. You in?”

“How’s he going to react?”

“Don’t know. Don’t care. But Wednesday night was their first game and he yelled at my girl for not running fast enough to third base. She cried the whole way home and said she didn’t want to play anymore.”

“What?” I barely stop myself from roaring, immediately feeling the urge to track this guy down and give him a piece of my fist. I’ve learned to control my temper physically, until someone I love is hurt. Especially Squirt. I need to talk myself down so as not to fall back into my old habits of allowing my anger to get the best of me.

“Figured that’d get you to commit. He’s an asshole and I’m not saying that to make you say yes. He really is.”

“What’s his name?” I growl.

“Oh, no. You’re not going to do your thing. We’re letting the little league committee or whatever it’s called know that he’s done. I’m sure he’ll be pissed, but he can kiss my ass. There’s no reason for him to scream at children who are just trying to have fun.”

I don’t even have to think about my answer. “I’ll do it. Just so long as he’s never at a game or practice.”

“Thank you, man. I mean it.”

I live in the neighboring town which is only about twenty minutes away, so making the drive to help coach my adorable niece is absolutely something I’d love to do, whether she has a jerk of a coach currently or not.

“Bummed to miss the game today. Felt awful for missing Wednesday’s, but it sounds like it’s a good thing I wasn’t there.”

He snorts. “That’s no shit. I had a hard enough time controlling my own temper, let alone if you’d have been there.”

“So what’s your plan for today then?” I ask, hearing more thunder and the rain start to pelt my windows.

“Not much anymore. I needed to mow lawn and clean the pool, but that’s out. Probably just doing some shit around the house and kicking back. You?”

“About the same. Minus the pool, obviously.”

Chris set up a permanent above ground pool last summer so that he could teach his daughter to swim without having to go to the public pool. It’s nothing fancy, but they seem to be having fun with it.

“Well, I’ll email you the link for the practice schedule. You already have the game one, right?”

“Yeah. I got that when you forwarded it to me a month ago.”

“Good. I’m kind of stupid excited about this, you know?”

I chuckle at his use of words. “Stupid excited? What the hell does that even mean?”

“I don’t know. Heard one of my students say it before school let out for the summer and thought it was funny. I assume it means I’m excited over something simple or stupid? Fuck if I know. They’re a bunch of high school students who talk in code all the time.” Chris is a vice principal at the school we graduated from, which is strange because he was a terror and the last job I’d ever expected him to want to have was working in a school, especially as an administrator. But he’s a great VP Copyright 2016 - 2024