The Path To Us - Jennifer Van Wyk Page 0,51

he said it while walking between the two of us as if he needed to get something out of the fridge.

“You’re such a dick, Beau,” Tyson replies, same tone.

“Okay, you guys. Enough. Let’s eat.”

We demolish both trays of pizza rolls in no time and after refilling our drinks, I grab my backpack and set it on the table. “If I don’t get my homework done, Mom will kill me.”

“I forgot my bag in Tyson’s car,” Lizzy says, pulling the attention back to her. “Beau, will you help me get it?”

“Your backpack? You need Beau’s help getting your backpack?”

She gives me a look that says ‘shut up’ and grabs his hand, tugging him behind her. He doesn’t put up a fight.

The door clicks shut behind them and the quiet in the kitchen is deafening.

“You okay?”

“What? Why wouldn’t I be okay?” I ask Tyson.

“Because you’re staring at the door. You like Beau or somethin’?”

“Beau? No! Of course not! We’re friends.”

“Okay. Just wondered. I know you’re friends, but you’re like super close, you know?”

“We’ve just known each other a long time, is all.”

He nods then grins widely. “You like Lizzy, then?”

I laugh loudly. “Tyson! No! We’re friends, too. And I’m not a lesbian, you know that.”

“Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” we say at the same time, laughing together.

“It’s just that… you seem upset. Are you? Upset?”

I look at Tyson, into his deep mocha eyes that are staring at me with so much… I don’t know. Want? Need? Desire? He might be a huge flirt and a player, but I can’t deny his kindness.

“I don’t like to see you upset, Addy. You shouldn’t live a day being sad.”

He places his hands on my shoulders and scoots his chair closer. I swallow hard and take a deep breath when he pulls us both to standing then leans down. I open my mouth to ask what he’s doing but no words come out. Instead, he sees it as an invitation. And maybe it was.

His lips brush against mine in the slightest touch, almost as if he’s not sure he’s allowed to be kissing me. So gently it doesn’t seem possible it could be from Tyson, who I always pictured kissing with more self-confidence… like he really knows what he’s doing. Not that I ever pictured kissing him. But…

I lift up on my toes a little and he deepens the kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me so our bodies are flush against one another. I drape my arms around his shoulders, enjoying the feel of his tongue against my lips. He makes a little sound at the back of his throat and I arch my body when he presses on my lower back.

It’s so unexpected, but not unwelcome. It doesn’t feel wrong, but it doesn’t feel completely right, either. In another life, I could so easily want Tyson. He’s gorgeous and funny and confident, but he’s not Beau.

It’s over before it can go too much farther and we step apart.

“Wow. Okay. Yeah, I really didn’t plan for that when I asked to come over but I’m not one bit sorry it did. That was… wow, Addy.”

I don’t have the chance to respond because the door that leads to the garage opens and my mom steps inside.

“Mama!” Tyson shouts, as if it’s his mom and not mine. He marches over to her and wraps her up in a hug. “I missed you!”

“Oh, hush, boy. You can’t use that magic on me.”

“You think I have magic, huh?”

“Goodness, boy. You’re too much,” she teases, looking up at him. “Are you staying for dinner?”

“Depends. What is it you planned to make me?”

“Does it matter?”

“Not a bit,” he says, chuckling.

She shakes her head at him and turns to me before pointing to the front of the house. “Was that Beau and Lizzy I saw outside? I didn’t know they were together.”

“What do you mean?”

“They were kissing and didn’t even see me pull up.” She says it so nonchalantly, putting away her purse and cleaning out her little cooler she brings with her packed with her lunch every day.

“Oh, yeah? He finally made his move, huh?” Tyson says proudly. He pulls me against his side again like he did earlier. “Everything’s working out the way it’s supposed to, huh?”

I want to wiggle out of his hold but don’t want to cause a scene. My mom winks at me when she notices the intimacy between Tyson and me. Instead, I just stand there staring at my mom, replaying Copyright 2016 - 2024