The Path to Sunshine Cove (Cape Sanctuary #2) - RaeAnne Thayne Page 0,83


Would that be so horrible?

Yes. She knew the answer to that. Nate was the sort of man who would never be content with a casual relationship and she simply didn’t know if she had anything more to offer.

A text came through just as Jess was finally slipping into bed.

Hey, beautiful birthday girl. How was the par-tay?

She smiled, wondering how Yvette’s simple texts sounded so clearly like her friend.

She texted back a pic she had taken of the girls in their cute little flowery sundresses holding her birthday cake. Gorgeous cake, Yvette texted back. And then a second later.

Dayam, girl. Who’s the hottie?

She looked at the photo again and saw that Nate was standing in the background. He was smiling at the scene and looked big and dark and luscious.

Eleanor’s son, she answered back. He and his daughter came to the party.

You been holding out on me. Too bad you’re almost done there. Maybe I should still fly out to help you finish up. I’d like a taste of that.

She almost texted back, Nate’s mine. That wasn’t true, of course. She just wanted it to be.

You know I always have a pullout couch ready for you, she texted.

Yvette sent her the thinking emoji, which made her smile.

Yvette was someone else who had never taken no for an answer. When they met during basic training, Jess had put up all the usual back-off signals. Yvette had shoved them all out of the way with her characteristic style and insisted they were fated to be friends. Jess had been helpless in the face of such blatant confidence.

Their bond had been cemented through their initial training and had only been reinforced when they served together in Iraq.

They had worked perfectly together building Transitions. Each had strengths that complemented the other.

She wasn’t alone, Jess reminded herself. She had a sister she loved, nieces, a nephew. She had Yvette, an interesting job, a tiny house that was just right for her, barring the unfortunate showering limitations.

So she didn’t have a man in her life. That was her choice. The smartest choice for her situation right now—even if a rainy, cold night like this one made her wish she could make a different one.



She was finishing her coffee and some avocado toast the next morning before heading over to Eleanor’s when someone knocked rather tentatively on the door of her Airstream.

For one wild moment, she wondered if it might be Nate, if he might have come to pick up where they had left off the night before.

Butterflies immediately swarmed in her stomach and her heartbeat edged up. No. It couldn’t be Nate. He was probably getting Sophie off to school and heading off himself to a job site. Anyway, something told her his knock would have been more forceful.

With all the heat they seemed to generate between them, maybe he wouldn’t have even bothered to knock, just would have forced the door open and swept her into his arms.

She swallowed hard and warily opened the door.

It wasn’t Nate. Instead, her sister stood on the other side. For once, Rachel didn’t look Insta-polished, her makeup flawless and her hair styled.

She had circles under her eyes, no makeup as far as Jess could tell and her hair was swept back into a messy bun with a few strands hanging out. She looked as if she had been up all night.

The memory of their fight the night before and the hard words they had flung at each other seemed to swirl around them like mist in the morning air.

“Rachel. Hi.” She looked over her sister’s head to her empty minivan parked next to Jess’s own pickup. “Where are the kids?”

“Cody had an issue with a supplier so had the morning off. He offered to get the girls to school and hang out with Silas while he makes some phone calls at home so that I could come talk to you.”


What else did they have to say to each other? Her stomach burned a little, but she told herself it was only because she’d had too much coffee and not enough toast.

There wasn’t much room inside her trailer for both of them, especially not with these big feelings between them.

Since the morning was beautiful, the ocean gleaming in the sunshine after the rain, she gestured to her turquoise bistro set, grateful she had taken her still-damp clothing inside to dry in the shower now that she was ready for the day.

“Do you want some coffee? I was just eating breakfast. Can Copyright 2016 - 2024