The Path to Sunshine Cove (Cape Sanctuary #2) - RaeAnne Thayne Page 0,32

Silas had been on a nonstop tantrum.

Nothing was right for him. The tags on his clothing bothered him until she cut them off, he ripped the pages out of a library book she had foolishly left within his reach, he didn’t like the way she made his eggs so he threw them on the floor, to Freckles’s delight.

The day had started out hard and had only grown worse. Now he seemed to be done with his difficult mood, content to sit on Cody’s lap and play with his favorite fidget toy.

She couldn’t help but resent the way Cody could just waltz in and calm things down, even though Rachel was the one dealing with Silas through most of the day.

She was exhausted, mentally and physically. She wanted to find a secluded beach somewhere, sink down in the sand and cry for the next year.

The only problem with that? Once she started, she probably would not be able to stop. The grief and worry she felt for her son’s future always simmered beneath the surface but today it seemed to have boiled over several times.

The last thing she felt like doing right now was putting on a good show of determined cheerfulness for Jess, her sister, who was as hard to reach in her own way as Silas.

Rachel had invited her, though, and she couldn’t back down. Might as well get this over with, right?

She put the spa channel on her car stereo as she drove to Whitaker House. The house was in such a striking location. Wouldn’t it be something if Eleanor put it on the market? Not that she and Cody could afford it. They were doing okay. Not bad, actually, for two kids who had married right out of high school. The roofing company Cody ran with his brothers was always busy and she was starting to bring in decent ad revenue from her blog, YouTube videos and social media.

She was deeply grateful their years of struggle and grind were beginning to pay off. They did fine, but probably not the kind of fine that could afford a house like this, right on the water.

Someday, maybe.

When she pulled up to the house, she found Jess’s Airstream gleaming in the fading sun, cute as ever, parked near the path that led down to Sunshine Cove. Her sister opened the door to the trailer the moment Rachel pulled up. Her clothes were casual and quite nondescript, merely jeans and a tailored white shirt. She didn’t wear any jewelry but somehow Jess, lean and fit with their dad’s honey-colored hair and their mother’s green eyes, managed to look quietly gorgeous.

She rarely even wore much makeup, only lip color and mascara.

Rachel, who had spent more than an hour getting ready in between helping Grace with homework, prepping the casserole for them, and keeping Ava and Silas apart after Silas ruined his sister’s block castle, tried not to be envious at Jess’s effortless beauty. “Sorry I’m late. Things were crazy at home.”

“No problem. I’ve been enjoying the night.”

“How’s Vera treating you?”

Jess made a face at the name her friend Yvette had given the Airstream. “Fine. As comfortable as ever.”

“Have you made any other changes since you were here last? I know Yvette was talking about adding a few finishing touches.”

“She made new cushions for the banquette.”

“Ooh. Can I see?”

Jess hesitated, as if she didn’t want to share even this small piece of herself with Rachel, but after a moment, she opened the door and gestured inside.

Rachel stepped inside and was charmed all over again at the warm, comfortable interior of the trailer. “This is so fabulous. I should take some IG pictures. I could even do a YouTube video to show off your hard work. Yvette has done such an amazing job in here.”

“She did. Though it was a team effort. We had some talented craftspeople work on the cabinets and the custom upholstery.”

“Everyone did a stellar job. So can I feature it while you’re here in town? I won’t use your name or any identifying details. I can protect your precious privacy.”

Jess didn’t look thrilled at the idea but Rachel appreciated that at least she didn’t completely dismiss it. “Sure, if we can find a time that works for both of us. You can come over during any day while I’m helping Eleanor, then I’ll be out of the way.”

“That might work. I’ll let you know how my schedule is this week.”

She wanted to stay here in this cozy little haven, close Copyright 2016 - 2024