The Pastor's Heart - By Desiree Future Page 0,5

plants spread out throughout the yard. A variety of vegetables were growing off to end of the massive yard. Tile stones and bright flowers lead the path to the white gazebo where their lunch was spread across large covered table.

The family resemblance was so uncanny it was unbelievable. The men looked exactly like their salt and pepper haired father. All the chocolate colored men wore goatees and had the same gray eyes that their dad had. Not to mention they all stood a towering six feet tall. The Carter women however, had light complexions with brown eyes. Being on the short side they had to constantly look up to the men.

“I know this is not our normal Saturday thing but I have an announcement to make,” the tall thin man said as he stood at the head of the table. “I know good and well your mother and sister are not stepping foot on a boat, so I decided to have this meeting on dry land instead of going fishing today.”

“Thanks Pop,” the fair complexioned woman said while sitting next to her mother.

“The company has been doing very well. Actually better than I expected so I am going to open up another store. We are headed down to Washington DC Carter family!” The man exclaimed as applauds erupted from the table and his wife hugged and kissed him.

“That is so great Pop.” Jamison congratulated his father.

“Honey I am so proud of you,” Louise said, as she leaned up to hug her husband again. “I am proud of everyone here. We have all have done an outstanding job.”

“I would like to break ground in less than a year. So I need everyone to start scouting out possible locations and get back to me as soon as possible.” Calvin was riding on his newly found success that he knew would take DC by storm.

Even though Kingston was at the meeting with this family, his mind was far off elsewhere. He heard everything that was said, but his thoughts were miles from the suburban Severn County Maryland estate on that day. His mind was still stuck on Sinclair, the mysterious woman he met at his store. He could not get his mind off her ever since he first spotted her in the store weeks ago. Their conversation had only lasted a mere five minutes, but in just those five minutes Kingston fell for her. He couldn’t explain it or even understand it himself, but he somehow fell for this unknown woman and no matter how hard he tried to get her out of his mind he just kept seeing her in his dreams.

“Kingston did you hear anything I just said to you, son?” His father asked him seeing him in a complete daze.

“No sir. I mean yes sir,” Kingston had better answer the correct way or his veteran dad would surely have strong words for him.

“Kingston Carter what on God’s green earth is wrong with you? You have been pounding the pavement up and down those grocery aisles. You got the employees thinking you’re mad or something.” The older man asked him after hearing what Kingston had been doing lately in the store.

“Pop, I saw her.” Kingston responded halfway still in a daze.

“Is this the same her that you had to hang up on me for?” His older brother asked as he sat at the table with his family.

“Yes and I have been busy trying to find her again,” Kingston answered as everyone sat around the huge table.

“By the look on his face I know exactly who she is,” the older woman said as she passed down the bowl of salad to Chelsea.

“Calvin, take a good look at your son’s face, I mean really look at him.” His wife demanded as everyone turned to look at Kingston.

“She is beautiful and her name is Sinclair. She drove from DC to our store just to get white chocolate. I don’t know much more about her except she got a call and had to run out without me getting her number.” Kingston could have kicked himself for not running after her to at least give her his business card.

“Wow, that’s all you got? Well at least you got her name so you can look her up on the internet,” Jamison offered helpfully.

Kingston shook his head as he took a sip of his fresh lemonade. “Nope, I can’t remember if her last name is Addison or Madison or Mason. I don’t know. I was so intrigued by Copyright 2016 - 2024