The Pastor's Heart - By Desiree Future Page 0,42

this I would have stopped it before you got hurt.” Kingston needed for Sinclair to know exactly how he felt and she would hear it whether she wanted to or not.

“If that’s not love I don’t know what is?” Robyn knew that Sinclair had a very stubborn streak about her especially when she was hurting. Kingston had rubbed her the wrong way and now she wanted nothing to do with him.

“Only until I get this cast off.” Sinclair told Kingston in a snooty voice.

“Only until the doctor says you can take care of yourself by yourself.” Kingston countered her.

“Fine. Whatever.” Sinclair glared at him.

“Fine. Regardless of what you might think right now I really do love you and when you are ready we will talk.” Kingston said as he looked into Sinclair’s dark eyes.

“Good, now that that’s settled I have to go. Feel better and I will see you soon.” Robyn said just as Sasha realized she had to get to work as well. They both departed together leaving Sinclair and Kingston by themselves.

Sinclair was on the verge of tears knowing that Kingston really did love her, but the mental pain hurt so much she held them back. Kingston had taken his usual seat next to her bedside and sat quietly so crying Sinclair could not do. They spoke not another word between the two.

Sinclair had fallen asleep and awoke to find that she had cried in her sleep and Kingston had left his pocket square under her eyes to stop her tears.


It had been three long weeks since Sinclair flipped out on Kingston and three weeks that Sinclair refused to speak to or see him. He had left several messages but she never returned any of his calls. He felt like his world had come crashing down on him yet he was the cause of everything that had happened. Kingston was totally lost without Sinclair he didn’t know what to do to repair the mess but he knew he had to do something because he couldn’t let her lose her business.

Kingston’s head was pounding with such a headache that he thought he was going to pass out from the pain. He had missed Sinclair so much that he just could not bear the pain that he inflicted on her. The pounding still went on until Kingston realized it wasn’t his head pounding that hard but rather someone pounding on his front door.

“What took you so long? I have been ringing this bell and knocking on your door for ten minutes,” Calvin said as Kingston opened the door and he slipped right in.

“Pop, what are you doing here?” Kingston asked looking disheveled with his tee shirt hanging half way inside his pants.

“What do you mean, what am I doing here?” Calvin asked looking at his weary son. “It’s third Saturday, it’s fishing day, Son.” Calvin replied as he walked into the living room to find it a complete mess.

His once clean house was now the total opposite of its normal stage. Clothes, dirty dishes and papers littered his living room, kitchen and family room and even the dining room too.

Kingston took a seat on the couch in the family room and held his head in his hand. “Pop I have a pounding headache and I am not in the mood to go fishing today, I’m going to have to skip it this time.”

Calvin moved a shirt off a chair and took a seat himself. “Well, that’s not an option because Jamison is home sick, so it’s just you and me and I do plan on getting some fish today.”

“Pop, I really don’t feel like going. I will make it up to you another time just not today.” Kingston pleaded as he leaned his head back on the sofa.

“When is the last time you actually cleaned this house, it looks like a pig sty? And since when did you start growing a beard? You look like you haven’t slept in days because you have bags under your eyes, you look horrible.” Calvin asked as noticing the physical changes in his son.

“Pop, I’m fine.” Kingston lied barely opening his eyes because the light made his head hurt even more.

Calvin dropped the clothes he had started to pick up and took Kingston to his mirror in the hallway. “This is not the face of a man who is fine.”

Kingston almost didn’t recognize his own self. His normal gray eyes were dark and he had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, Copyright 2016 - 2024