Passing as Elias - By Kate Bloomfield Page 0,37

robe around her and stood nervously in the middle of the room.

‘Um,’ she bit her lip, ‘So … it is nice to meet you.’ Elizabeth said, ‘Elias has talked about you.’

‘He is very kind.’ Merrill said modestly, ‘A very good man. I am very lucky to have been chosen for the position.’

‘I am sure you were the best candidate.’ Elizabeth insisted, fidgeting nervously on the spot.

Merrill seemed on the verge of replying, but stopped when voices could be heard outside. Two men were walking down the street, illuminated through the curtains by the streetlamps. They were talking in agitated voices, and Merrill shrunk back into the sofa at the sound of them. Elizabeth caught a few snippets of what they were saying as they passed, talking loudly.

‘-Cannot have gone far.’ One of them was saying.

‘Complete overreaction if you ask me.’

‘I thought she would be glad.’

They passed the house and continued wandering up the street, and their voices died away.

Elizabeth stared at Merrill, who had a look of shame upon her pretty face.

‘Are they looking for you?’ Elizabeth asked.

Merrill fidgeted, ‘My Pa.’ She said finally.

‘What did he do?’ Elizabeth asked.

Merrill waved a hand dismissively, ‘Oh, Miss, he is a good father, and would never lay a hand upon me.’ She assured.

‘Then what?’ Elizabeth said.

Merrill looked at the clock upon the mantelpiece and stood abruptly, ‘It is late.’ She said apologetically, ‘I must go.’

She peered out of the curtains one last time, before hurrying to the front door.

‘Miss Freegard.’ Elizabeth said, rather agitated, ‘You can tell me what is wrong.’

‘Sorry Miss, we only just met.’ And without another word, Merrill had slipped through the door, and run in the opposite direction to her father.

Elizabeth stared at the closed door. She had a funny feeling that Merrill would have disclosed her worries if Elias had been there.

Chapter Seven

Merrill’s Problem

On the Monday, Merrill was perfectly normal once again. She did not indicate that she had had any encounter with the female Elizabeth. Though she did seem a little bit sad throughout the day. Elizabeth did not know when to bring the subject up. She liked Merrill a lot, and wanted to make sure everything was all right, but did not want to appear nosy. She also worried that Merrill might find Elizabeth’s resemblance to Elias a bit too uncanny.

Finally, at six o’clock when the door was locked, Elizabeth announced that she would be staying in the laboratory for another few hours to work on some commissions for their clients.

‘I shall stay too.’ Merrill insisted.

‘There is no need.’ Elizabeth waved a hand as they ventured into the back room.

‘I would be interesting to see you working, Sir. You are most clever. I do not understand these things at all.’

Elizabeth frowned, ‘you will be extremely bored, Merrill.’

‘Maybe I can help?’ She had an anxious look upon her face.

Elizabeth sighed, and sat down at her desk, ‘Merrill, My sister told me that you came to the house on Saturday night.’ The words felt odd as they left her lips.

‘I thought she might Sir. She was ever so kind.’

‘She said you were distressed-’

‘Oh. Just a rough night, I guess.’

‘-And mentioned you were looking for me?’

Merrill did not respond to this. Instead she looked at her feet.

‘If there is something wrong, you can tell me. As your employer, your safety is in my best interest.’

‘I did not know who else to go to, Mister Searson.’ Merrill said, her voice suddenly breaking with emotion, ‘I was so confused, running down the street, until I realized I was only a minute from your house. I thought I might hide inside until …’ She broke off.

‘You were hiding from your father.’

‘Aye, Sir.’ She covered her face with her hands, and seemed quite distressed.

‘You can tell me.’ Elizabeth said, thirsty for the knowledge that had upset Merrill.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, Merrill said, ‘I got home on Saturday evening, and I walked into the sitting room. My Ma and Pa were there, talking with an older couple who I had never met before. Pa introduced me, and said he worked with the gentleman and his son. Their son was there too, standing by the window. He looked perhaps thirty. I was polite, of course, as I did not know what they had been talking about. Then Pa told me they had been discussing arrangements regarding my marriage to this … this man. Said they had been working on a deal with this couple to see me betrothed to their son.’

Elizabeth felt a strange Copyright 2016 - 2024