Passing as Elias - By Kate Bloomfield Page 0,35

had become so busy that Elizabeth was forced to hire a shop assistant to take care of less trivial things, like cleaning, taking stock, and running errands.

Elizabeth held interviews in the apothecary on Sunday afternoon. She had posted an advertisement on the town hall bulletin board. There had not been many applicants, and most of them had been male. Elizabeth did not want a man to work in the apothecary, but she was not sure why. The thought of another man there felt wrong. No, Elizabeth corrected herself, not another man. I am not a man. I am a woman.

Only one female applied for the position, a young girl called Merrill Freegard, who was only seventeen years old, and seemed strangely familiar. She was a tiny little thing, with thick locks of black hair, a cute nose, and enormous blue eyes.

Elizabeth took to her straight away. Her voice sounded like music with her lilting Irish accent.

Welcoming Merrill to the apothecary, she sat her down upon a chair in the laboratory, and began asking her an assortment of questions.

Elizabeth found her responses extremely eager, and she seemed an excitable young girl, who was willing to work hard. She answered each question with mounting enthusiasm. Elizabeth did not think she was of high intelligence, but that was not required for this particular role. Elizabeth explained that the job would cover serving customers, cleaning, stocking, and the use of simple math. Merrill seemed a little bit nervous about the math, but did not raise any objections.

‘The work day starts at the eighth hour,’ Elizabeth told Merrill at the end of the interview, ‘so, make sure you are here on time. I do not care for tardiness.’ Elizabeth gave herself a private smile for she had reminded herself of the Professor.

‘Does that mean you want to hire me?’ Merrill asked astounded.

‘Of course.’ Elizabeth said, ‘I shall pay you on Saturday evenings. Sunday’s you can take off.’

‘Oh thank you sir!’ Merrill said excitedly, almost leaping from her chair, ‘I am so pleased! I promise I shall not let you down.’

Elizabeth laughed, but caught herself quickly, for it had been very feminine. Straightening her face, she said, ‘Now. You will start on the morrow.’

After the interview Elizabeth went home and changed into her regular, female self. She would visit her mother that day and tell her the good news that the apothecary was improving.

However, when Elizabeth arrived at her old home, she discovered that her mother was not at home. This was not unusual as her mother had many friends. Elizabeth had never gone out much while she was growing up. She had never been able to hold onto friends. Even today, she would not be able to name a single friend that would visit her upon whim. The only friend she had had was Professor de Bard, yet not many people would count their employer as a friend.

Elizabeth was quite looking forward to working with Merrill. Mayhap this would be a chance at a new friendship. Elizabeth had decided not to reveal her gender to her new employee, in fear that it would cause complications.

After one day of working with Merrill, Elizabeth found that she was exceedingly clumsy, and naïve about the world. She was very polite towards customers, but became nervous very quickly. However, Elizabeth liked her very much.

One afternoon when Merrill had been working at the apothecary for only a week, she was helping Elizabeth close up shop, and gabbing away about all the things she had done by herself that day.

‘-And he asked for half a pound, Sir, and I remembered exactly where it was, first time. He paid, and I gave him the right change and everything. He even tipped his hat at me, and winked. But I think he was a bit old for me, Sir.’ She had said with raised eyebrows as thought this was very inappropriate.

Elizabeth smiled, ‘He was pleased with your service, Merrill. It was his way of saying thankyou.’

‘I suppose I am not very good at recognising facial expressions.’

‘Do you not have a sweetheart?’

‘No, Sir.’ Merrill went scarlet, ‘I should think not.’

‘Why not?’

‘Well, I guess … no one has … I am-’ She paused, ‘I am a bit too strange, I guess.’

‘I think you are perfectly normal.’ Elizabeth insisted. Merrill was amazingly normal compared to Elizabeth. What woman pretended to be a man? Even Elizabeth had never heard of such nonsense.

‘Thank you, sir. You are the first to say that though. My father is always telling Copyright 2016 - 2024