Passing as Elias - By Kate Bloomfield Page 0,27

Elizabeth wondered whether he would want to make love again. Barely a minute passed before he was kissing her neck and pulling her towards him. Elizabeth had not yet fully recovered from the previous night, yet she did not refuse him. The second time was not as painful. It was only slightly uncomfortable. She found that it hurt much less if she were to straddle him, a position that he seemed to thoroughly enjoy. When they were done, he kissed her, rolled over and fell asleep almost immediately.


When Elizabeth woke the next morning she rolled over to find that the Captain was not there. Sitting up and looking around she found that he was not in the room at all. The position of the sun in the sky suggested that it was mid-morning. Her eyes fell upon a large package at the foot of the bed. She crawled over to it on her hands and knees and found that there was a small note on it.

My love,

I woke early to get this for you, I hope you like it.

You are a lady and deserve the best.

Put them on, and meet me downstairs.


Elizabeth ripped open the wrappings and smiled. Lying there was the shoes, and dress she had goggled at in the street the day before. She held the dress up and admired it. It was elegant, and heavy; something a proper lady would have for daywear. It was a creamy colour with a floral pattern. The boots matched perfectly for they were a light tan sued with white laces. She put them on at once and looked at herself in the mirror. She did not own any clothing of this quality, and felt very good about herself as she looked at her reflection. She donned the gloves that the Captain had given her, and found she looked quite beautiful, like a woman of noble breeding.

Chapter Five

Setting Sail

The day of departure had come. Elizabeth wore her new dress as they bundled their belongings into the carriage that waited outside. The busty maid who had shown them to their room two nights ago waved from the Inn doorway as the carriage left.

George chatted happily throughout the duration of the trip. Elizabeth’s insides writhed with excitement. This afternoon George would sign for the apothecary, and Professor de Bard’s home. She had brought up the subject over breakfast, and he had not seemed suspicious about her eagerness. On the contrary, he had said that work would distract her from missing him while he was at sea. Elizabeth did not bother in telling George that she would be fine without him. Instead, she faked a sadness, which seemed to please him immensely. He wasted no time in comforting Elizabeth, and showering her with adoration.

When they arrived back in their hometown, Elizabeth became nervous of her mothers reaction. Though when they pulled up in front of her house, Elizabeth was glad to see her mother smiling happily through the sitting room window. She embraced Elizabeth tightly, and told her that she was so proud. She then turned to George.

‘My son-in-law.’ She beamed. ‘A Royal Navy officer!’ and she hugged him too.

They planned to move Elizabeth’s things into Professor de Bard’s house once he had signed the papers. He left Elizabeth there with her mother whilst he journeyed into the centre of town to complete the paperwork. Mary Searson asked numerous questions regarding their marriage, and was even bold enough to ask of his performance in bed.

‘Mother.’ Elizabeth scolded, ‘That is very inappropriate.’

‘He looks a strong man.’ Her mother said with an approving nod, ‘He might have got you on the first go.’

‘Got me on the first go?’ Elizabeth repeated.

‘With child.’ Her mother beamed, ‘When you consummated your marriage.’

Elizabeth’s mouth fell open in horror, ‘Mother! I will not talk of my relationship with George any longer.’

‘Was he very large?’ Her mother continued, unashamedly.

Elizabeth stood immediately and frowned, ‘I am going to pack.’ She left the room quite hurriedly.

Elizabeth did not plan to take many of her possessions to Professor de Bard’s house, for it was already fully furnished. She did not know how she felt about living there, but the Professor had left it to her, and she did not want the home to go to waste. Besides, this would allow her freedom to some extent. With George away at sea for up to six months, Elizabeth would have the home all to herself. It was also much closer to the apothecary.

George returned two hours later, with Copyright 2016 - 2024