Passing as Elias - By Kate Bloomfield Page 0,18

worried you might anger me again?’ Elizabeth could not help but smile.

‘I have so many thoughts running through my head.’ He gave a nervous laugh, ‘Things I want to say, want to do.’ He trailed off.

Elizabeth felt a knot form in her stomach. She did not think she would ever fall in love with the Captain, however, she did find him quite attractive. A long repressed, rebellious voice in her brain suggested that she take advantage of the time they had alone. Would he kiss her if she asked? Would he hold her waist? She pushed these thoughts aside, and scolded herself mentally for being so inappropriate. Yes, she had known the Captain for over a year, but these encounters had been preceded by long gaps while he was at sea, and most of their conversations had taken place in the apothecary. Was she really willing to seduce and trick a man into marrying her so she could fulfil the Professor’s wishes?

‘Like what things?’ She asked after another minute’s silence.

The Captain paused with the teacup to his lips, and lowered it again slowly, ‘Well … I will admit that I have thought about moments like these for a long while.’

Elizabeth raised her eyebrows, ‘About us?’

‘Indeed.’ He gave an embarrassed smile, ‘I was smitten as soon as I met you.’

‘Do you think we are compatible, Captain?’ Elizabeth said quickly.

‘I should hope so.’ He said, taking another sip of tea and setting the cup and saucer down upon the side table.

‘What is it that makes two people compatible?’ Elizabeth asked.

Captain Greenwood took a deep breath, ‘Well, I suppose one must have values similar to that of their partner. I believe … forgive me, sexual attraction plays a rather large role.’

‘Lust?’ Elizabeth asked.

‘Mmh.’ The Captain nodded, ‘There must be some level of attraction in order for things to work. Apart from that, mutual trust and understanding.’

‘Many marriages fail, Captain. Do you think people can become incompatible over time?’

‘Mayhap.’ He gave a shrug, and Elizabeth found herself leaning rather close to him.

‘How can you tell when you have found the one?’

The Captain laughed, ‘I suppose no one knows. Do you not believe in love, Miss Searson? Your questions intrigue me. It is as though you do not believe in soul mates.’

‘I cannot believe in something I have never experienced.’ She said plainly.

Captain Greenwood had no response to this, though Elizabeth had had a sudden idea.

‘Shall I make you an offer Captain?’

‘What do you mean?’ He asked wearily.

‘I do not know what love, or lust feels like.’ Elizabeth admitted, licking her lips nervously. If she could seduce the Captain, he might propose within the month. ‘I propose a test.’

‘A test?’ The Captain frowned, ‘Miss Searson, please … you are talking of courtship as though it is some experiment you are concocting in your laboratory. These things take time. You are thinking too logically regarding matters of the heart.’

‘You do not wish to hear of the test?’ Elizabeth put a hand to the Captain’s knee gently, with an innocent smile.

‘Amuse me.’ Captain Greenwood sighed, with a small smile upon his face, ‘Please tell me how you plan to conduct an experiment regarding matters of our compatibility. As far as I was aware, courting was the act of a couple getting to know one another in order to decide whether an engagement should follow. Would courtship not be a sufficient experiment?’

‘I find that path rather lengthy.’ Elizabeth smiled, ‘Kiss me, Captain. We shall see instantly whether this arrangement shall work or not.’ She did not know what had come over her. Was this how you seduced a man? She was not sure.

Captain Greenwood gaped at her, ‘I cannot.’ He shook his head and stood.

Elizabeth tried a different tact, ‘Do you not want to?’ She asked crestfallen.

Captain Greenwood sighed, ‘Of course.’

‘Do you not think it would simplify matters? Or do you not find me attractive?’

‘I would love nothing more than to kiss you, Miss Searson.’ He admitted. Elizabeth felt her stomach tighten.

Elizabeth was quite embarrassed at her boldness, however she had decided to take a logical approach to the issue at hand. If she enjoyed kissing Captain Greenwood, she would, of course, tell him that it had been pleasant. Perhaps then she would be able to marry him. If it repulsed her, on the other hand, she would make it known. She would not pretend to love him for personal gain of Professor de Bard’s properties.

‘This was not how I imagined our first kiss.’ Captain Greenwood admitted.

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