Paradise Cove - Jenny Holiday Page 0,69

went where she wanted him to go.

In that spirit he stepped back, let her push him away, but it came with an involuntary growl that surprised him. Even though his higher brain understood that she probably had a plan he would end up 100 percent endorsing, his body was not down with the short-term sacrifice involved in severing their connection.

“Take off your pants.” Her voice was all throaty and low, and she was shimmying out of hers, too, even as she commanded him. He about fell over trying to do what she said but also watch her. She was wearing skinny jeans, so she was doing a lot of shimmying.

Once free, she hopped up onto a step stool near the exam table, turned around, and hoisted herself up.

And spread her legs.

“Jesus, Nora.”

“No foreplay, Jake. Just come over here and get on with it already.”

He stumbled forward, tripping over his own feet to get to her.

She caught him, grabbed a handful of his T-shirt, which she hadn’t managed to get off earlier, and wrapped her legs around him. This was the perfect angle, the perfect height. Taking her at her word, he guided himself to her entrance. She was radiating heat, and she was wet. So wet.

He slid in on a groan. Was he ever going to get used to how good she felt? It was obscene, almost, that he should be allowed to feel this good.

She grabbed his hair and forced him into eye contact with her. “If you make one crack about playing doctor, I swear to God, I will come, and I will murder you before you get your turn.”

“Honestly…” He gave a long, hard thrust that physically scooched her farther back on the table. The paper lining on the table crinkled. She responded by letting go of him with one hand and putting it on the table behind her to brace herself. “That hadn’t even”—he thrust again, and she moaned when he bottomed out—“crossed my mind.” He thrust again and was rewarded with another moan. “But your threat is irrelevant, because…” One more punishing thrust, and he was shooting inside her. Too soon. “Goddammit,” he nearly shouted as he came and came. “You have to stop doing this to me.”

She wasn’t listening. She’d closed her eyes and let her head fall back, which he had learned was something she did when she was close. So he put his thumb on her clit and his mouth on one breast and a few seconds later, she froze—and shattered.

“So no playing doctor, huh?” Jake said a few minutes later, after they’d caught their breath. He started to pull out of her, and she had the irrational urge to clamp her legs around him to prevent that from happening.

She let him go, though—of course she did. Once he found his feet, he grabbed her around the waist and lowered her to the floor.

“Yeah, pretty much every nonmedical guy I’ve dated—not that we’re dating—has either genuinely wanted to ‘play doctor’ or else not been able to stop making jokes about the concept.” He handed her her bra and sweater. “It gets old, and since it’s my job, it’s profoundly unsexy to me.”


She tried not to ogle him as he bent over to retrieve his own clothes.

Well, okay, no she didn’t. Because shouldn’t that be one of the benefits of whatever kind of not-dating thing they had going here? In fact…She let loose a wolf whistle, which caused him to wiggle his ass at her as he stepped into his jeans.

“You’re a lot of fun, Jake.”

He pulled his T-shirt over his head. “You’re a lot of fun, too, Doc.” Stepping toward her, he reached out and smoothed her hair.

“Do I look like I just got laid in my own exam room?” she teased, making a mental note to come in early tomorrow to disinfect the table.

He tilted his head and considered her, apparently taking her question seriously. “You kind of do.” He must have liked that answer for some reason, because he grinned.

Back out on the sidewalk, it occurred to her that they’d had sex twice today. And twice yesterday. And twice the day before that. It had been a three-day weekend on account of the holiday—during the preceding week they’d only seen each other twice—but still. “Do you think we’re having too much sex?”

“Uh, no?” When she didn’t say anything, he added, “Do you think we’re having too much sex?”

“No, not really. I’m just thinking I’ve basically never had this much sex Copyright 2016 - 2024