Paradise Cove - Jenny Holiday Page 0,35

drink alone at home. After Jude died and Kerrie left, he’d made a conscious decision to keep his drinking social, which meant mostly at Lawson’s Lager House. It seemed like it might be too easy, otherwise, to let himself slip into oblivion.

“Wine would be great.” She nodded at his full hands. “You want me to get it?”

“Sure. Thanks. I’ll have a glass, too.”

Soon they were outside, and he was firing up the grill. “I should warn you that this is an old-school charcoal grill, so it’s going to take a while for the coals to be ready.”

“I brought snacks!” She ducked back into the house after she’d set two glasses of wine on the outdoor table. She returned with a bag of nuts from Jenna’s General and a cluster of grapes. “I think it should be fine to let Mick loose. He’s afraid of water, so he can’t really get in or out of the cove.” As soon as she let him off his leash, Mick lumbered down to the beach and started snuffling around.

After Jake was done lighting the coals, he joined her at the table. He had designed the deck with a built-in bench that spanned one side. The table was arranged so that if you sat on the bench, you could look at the lake. Nora was sitting on the bench. He had chairs on the other side of the table—he supposed so that in theory, he could have people over for dinner and have enough seating. Sometimes he and Law and Sawyer sat around this table.

So he should sit on one of those chairs, across from Nora.

But he did not. He sat next to her on the bench.

“Here’s to one month under your belt, Dr. Walsh.” He lifted his glass and clinked it against hers. “How does it feel?”

“It feels exhausting.” She toasted with him. “Though I guess that’s good. We’re pretty much booked solid most days. And I pulled some stats. In the month since the Mermaid Parade, I’ve done a dozen MMR boosters and seen two families who’d been hesitant but decided to bring their kids in to start the schedule. I totally put that down to you guys and your crazy van.”

“Not my crazy van. Maya and Pearl get the credit. I was just the muscle.”

“Well, I’ve come to understand recently—the hard way—that actions speak louder than words, so you’re just going to have to live with some of the credit.”

She was talking about that dirtbag Rufus. Thinking about what he’d done to Nora made Jake angry. But, simultaneously, being compared to Rufus and coming out on top made him feel good.

She was confusing.

Even more confusing? When she said, “Still. I’m beat,” heaved a huge sigh, and let her head fall onto his shoulder.

It was not even remotely a sexual, or romantic, gesture. It was companionable. They had become genuinely close in the six or so weeks she’d been here. For some reason he hadn’t bothered examining, he had clicked with her. She was smart and funny, and she didn’t do false sentiment.

She was his friend. They were friends.

He allowed himself to consider the nagging feeling he’d had earlier, when they’d gotten out of the truck and started the trek into the cove, that he had a problem. He’d thought, then, that bringing Nora here was kind of unprecedented. He didn’t do that.

So what did it mean that he had?

What did it mean that he wanted to put his arm around her? To encourage her to lean into him and rest?

She had woken him up. Woken his body up. He was intensely, viscerally aware of her at all times. Of where she was, and of how much distance there was between them. Like when he was working on her fence and she got home, he could tell she was about to appear from behind the house before she did. When she opened the pizza boxes she often brought home with her, he watched her small, efficient hands and imagined them pressing a stethoscope to a chest. Imagined them pressing against a chest without the stethoscope.

Sawyer and Law had tried to give him a phone a couple years ago. They’d staged an intervention and said it was time to get on some dating or hookup apps. He had shut that right down. He didn’t want a phone. He didn’t want apps. He didn’t want people. He could take care of things by himself in the shower when the need arose. It was a mechanical Copyright 2016 - 2024