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Read Outlaw - By Nicole James 5 Page 65 Book Online,Outlaw - By Nicole James 5 Page 65 Free Book Online Read

Outlaw - By Nicole James Page 0,65

Aunty Nana will be here with you. I love you, baby girl.

She knew her daughter was sleeping from the medications, and probably didn’t even know she was there, but Angel always talked to her anyway.

She straightened up, and left the room, heading down to the waiting area. Her mother’s sister, Natalie waited there. When Angel entered, Natalie stood up from the chair she had been sitting in. She was holding TJ.

Angel walked over, and took her son in her arms. She tousled his blonde curls, and looked into his big blue eyes. “How’s mommy’s little man? Are you being good for Aunty Nana?”

He nodded his head, and then wrapped his arms around her neck, and gave her a big hug.

Angel squeezed him tight, and smiled. “You always know when mommy needs a big hug, don’t you sweetie? What would I do without you?”

“Well, what did he say?” Natalie asked.

Angel just shook her head, she tried to fight the urge to burst into tears.

“Oh, sweetheart. I’m so sorry. I was so hoping…” Natalie started to get choked up.

They hugged each other.

“I have to go to California,” Angel whispered.

Natalie pulled back. “To look for him?”

Angel nodded. “I only pray he’s their father. And that he’ll help us.”

“I’ll watch over Melissa. I won’t leave her side. TJ and I will be fine.”

“No,” Angel said, shaking her head. “I have to take TJ with me.”

“With you? But why?”

“So he can get a look at him. It might convince him. TJ looks so much like him. At least…at least I think he does.”

“Angel, I thought you told me you couldn’t be sure, with everything that happened to you.”

She turned to her aunt. “You think I’m only seeing what I want to see?”

Natalie nodded.


Angel turned the wheel of the SUV she’d rented at the airport, and made the turn onto the dead end street. She was pretty sure this was the right one. The clubhouse should be the last building at the end. That is, if it was still their clubhouse. It had been three years since she’d been here.

She slowed as she came up to it. She saw the bikes. She was relieved, and scared to death at the same time. Angel looked in the back seat. TJ was fast asleep in his car seat.

The chain link gate was open, and she pulled into the lot. She made it to the back corner, before they stopped her.

Two prospects held their hands up.

Angel braked to a stop. From where her SUV was parked, she could see the backdoor that led into the clubhouse. She pressed a button, and the driver’s side window slid down.

“I think you must be lost, ma’am. This is private property,” one of them said to her.

“I know what it is. I’m looking for Cole. Is he here?”

They were a little thrown by that. “Who wants to know?”

Angel undid her shoulder belt, and climbed out of the car. She saw their eyes slide over her. She had chosen her outfit with care. No detail was left to chance, not even the Chanel sunglasses she wore. She wasn’t about to come back here looking like the scared little twenty year old she had been. She meant to let them know she wasn’t going to be intimidated.

She had on a gold pencil skirt that perfectly matched the shade of her tousled, expertly styled, blonde hair. Her silk blouse was a shade lighter. There was nothing to compare to the perfect fit of well tailored, expensive clothing. Several thin, gold chains were draped around her neck. She had matching 14kt gold hoop earrings and a gold cuff around her wrist. Her suede, high-heeled pumps cost more than her car payment.

“Damn!” one of them said, looking her up and down.

“You a lawyer?” the other one asked.

“No. I’m not a lawyer.” She glanced over at a group near them. She thought she saw Crash. “Is that Crash over there?” she nodded with her head. “Would you please ask him to come over here?”

One of them jerked his head to the other, who walked over to Crash. She watched as he turned to look in her direction. He stared a moment, and then walked over to her.

“Can I help you, darlin’?” he asked.

“Hello, Crash,” she responded.

He cocked his head. “Do I know you?”

“We met a couple of years ago. There was some business at the Dead Souls clubhouse that I helped you guys out with.”

His mouth dropped open.

“I need to speak with Cole. It’s very important. Could you please

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