Outlaw - By Nicole James Page 0,108

in gear, and pulled away from the curb. He looked over at Natalie. “You shocked the hell out of me.”

She grinned. “I’m sorry. I should have called, but it was a spur of the moment decision.”

“Everything okay? Does Angel know you’re here?”

Natalie shook her head. “She thinks I’m visiting a sick friend in Seattle.

Cole looked at her questioningly. “How long are you here for?”

“I told her I’d be back the day after tomorrow.”

“I’m glad to see you, but what’s this about?”

“You want her back, don’t you?” she asked bluntly.

He stared at her dumbfounded, trying to keep at least half his attention on the road. “Of course. You know I do.”

“Well, I’m here to see what kind of life you have to offer her. I need to make sure this is the right thing before I do what I’m thinking about doing.”

“And what are you thinking about doing?” Cole was almost afraid to ask.

“Selling the house out from under her. Force her to make a decision.”

“What are you saying? You mean throw her and the kids out on the street?” Cole couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

Natalie looked over at him. “You said so yourself, the neighborhood’s no place to raise those kids. Maybe I just need to force the issue.”

Cole shook his head. “You think I want her that way? Coming to me only because she feels she has no other choice?”

Natalie shook her head. “No, Cole. She has choices. She knows I’d never abandon her. But something’s got to shake her up. Get her over this hurt. Make her start seeing things for what they are.”

“And what are they?”

She looked over at him. “That’s what I’m here to find out.”

“So this is what, some type of inspection? To see if I pass muster?” Cole was a little irritated by that. Even though a part of him understood her concern. Hell, he wouldn’t respect her if she weren’t concerned enough about Angel to check out the guy that wanted to make her a part of his life. Could he blame her? Wasn’t he the one always insisting he wasn’t good enough?

Natalie watched him. She saw the tightening of the muscles around his mouth, the way he gripped the steering wheel. She knew she’d upset him. Well, too bad. If he wanted Angel, he was going to have to prove himself, and that was all there was to it.

Cole looked over at her. “Okay. I’ll show you where I live. Let you look over my life, and judge for yourself. Then you tell me if I need to give up on her. On us.”

They drove in silence for a while. Finally, Cole couldn’t stand it any longer. He had to ask. “How is she?”

Natalie looked over at him. “Heartsick. She tries not to let me see it, but I hear her crying in her room at night.”

Cole looked out the window, ashamed. “I never meant to hurt her.”

“I know.”

“I wish she’d talk to me. Let me explain.”

“She’s still hurting too much.”

“And how long will that last?”

“Like I said, something’s got to shake her out of it.”

Cole looked at her, and nodded. He hoped she had a plan, because he didn’t know what to try anymore.

A few minutes later, he pulled up to the house. He watched Natalie take in the quiet, tree lined street and the white picket fence and yard and the house nestled in the shade of the trees.

Cole turned in the driveway, and turned the truck off. He sat quietly watching Natalie.

She looked around, and then over at him.

“Not what you expected?” he asked.

She shook her head. No. Not at all. It’s lovely, Cole.

“Well, it’s just a rental. I don’t own it.” He reached for the door handle. “Come on. I’ll give you the nickel tour.”

He came around, and opened her door, and retrieved her bag. She followed him to the side door that faced the driveway. They walked up the porch steps. Natalie noticed the wrought iron table and two chairs nestled under the porch roof.

Cole unlocked the door, and held it open for her.

Natalie stepped inside, looking around. It was a little messy and cluttered, but she knew immediately it had potential.

“I wasn’t expecting company.” Cole felt the need to explain.

“I know. I won’t hold that against you.” She smiled at him.

They were standing in a small entryway. There were helmets and boots, and what looked to Natalie like some type of motorcycle exhaust leaning in the corner. She looked around. The floors were hardwood. There

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