Organically Yours (Sanctuary #5) - Abbie Zanders Page 0,89

out for you.”

Aidan made the introductions. “Lexi, you know. This is Shane and Kane Callaghan.”

“Just how many Callaghans are there?” Tina blurted out.

Lexi laughed. “Seven, though sometimes, it seems like a lot more.”

Like the Callaghans she’d met thus far—Ian and Michael—Shane and Kane were large, well-built men with dark hair and striking blue eyes. Shane had a warm, friendly smile. Kane didn’t. His gaze was watchful and assessing.

“Shane is a lawyer. He’s been looking into the legalities of your particular situation, and he’s drafted the proposal we’ll be reviewing today.” Aidan tapped on the closed leather portfolio in front of him. There was one in front of every occupied seat, including hers.

“Kane is a financial advisor. He’s reviewed the financial holdings of Obermacher Farms and your LLC as well as those trying to buy your land. Both men are quite familiar with the process, as they’ve been actively involved in a similar situation.”

“Maggie’s farm?” Tina guessed, receiving nods in response.

“Would you like something to drink before we begin?” Aidan asked.

“Water would be great, thanks.” Tina’s throat already felt dry.

Aidan’s PA got her bottled water and a glass and then moved back into the shadows.

“Kane,” Aidan said, nodding at the large, stoic-looking man, “why don’t you begin?”

“As you know, Obermacher Farms, Incorporated is in a deep financial hole. The personal accounts of the co-owners, present company excluded, are equally insolvent. While filing for bankruptcy might alleviate some debt, it will do nothing for the substantial illegal debts accrued.”

Kane turned those icy-blue eyes her way. “Your brothers have been doing business with some bad people, Miss Obermacher. The ones who’ve put in the offer your brothers are currently considering aren’t much better.”

Tina nodded and squeezed Doc’s hand under the table. Kane wasn’t saying anything she hadn’t known or hadn’t already figured out herself.

“They know your family is desperate for cash, and they’re using that to their advantage. What they’re offering is pennies on the dollar for what the land is actually worth, and then they’ll make a killing, stripping the land and turning Obermacher Farms into a high-occupancy residential and commercial area. Believe me when I tell you that no one in this room wants to see that happen.”

The truth was painful, and hearing it put out there so succinctly was hard. Tina sipped her water and cleared her throat. “So, what do you propose?”

His response was equally brief and to the point. “Contract with the Goddess. Allow them to farm sections of it and preserve the rest.”

He made it sound so easy.

Tina turned to Aidan and asked the question at the forefront of her mind, “Why not just buy the land yourself? What do you need me for?”

“Because we want you more than we want the farm,” Lexi answered.

“You mean, my hybrids.”

“No,” Lexi corrected. “We mean, you.”

“You offer something no one else does,” Aidan said. “Superior produce and unique end products not available anywhere else as well as multiple patents based on your work. That is exactly what the Goddess is about—providing the best experience possible. Simply put, we want you to align exclusively with us.”

“Everything is spelled out clearly in the proposal,” said Shane, opening the portfolio in front of him. “Let’s review it together, shall we?”

* * *

Less than an hour later, Tina was shaking hands with everyone and then stepping onto the private express elevator on wobbly legs.

“Pinch me, will you?” she said to Doc.

He didn’t. Instead, as soon as the elevator doors closed, he pulled her into his arms and gave her a breath-stealing kiss. The close contact centered her and sent her into the stratosphere at the same time. Kind of like the meeting she’d just stepped out of.

If everything went according to plan—and there was no reason to believe it wouldn’t—she couldn’t have asked for anything more. It would be a best-case scenario for everyone involved. Her. Her family. The town.

Much the way they’d done with Maggie’s land, the Celtic Goddess would use Obermacher Farms as a primary source of fresh, organic produce. They would supply the equipment and staff needed to do so. Aidan and Lexi had made it quite clear that they preferred to stay local, which meant that anyone currently working for Obermacher would keep their job if they wanted it. As employees of the Goddess, they would also be eligible for benefits far beyond what Obermacher had been able to offer.

Unlike the Flynn-Callaghan farm, however, the Goddess would own the land outright. Had Tina been the sole owner, they would have Copyright 2016 - 2024