Organically Yours (Sanctuary #5) - Abbie Zanders Page 0,47

think it’s ever been used.”

She laughed at that. “Not much of a cook, huh?”

“I can cook if I have to, but it’s not my forte. Kate and Sam do a much better job than I could.”

“I can understand that,” she told him. “I don’t cook much for myself either. By the time I get home at night, I’m too tired to do anything but pop something into the microwave. Anything more isn’t worth the effort, not for one person.”

Doc looked skeptically at the items on the table.

“This is different. This isn’t me cooking for myself. This is science and, if I’m lucky, a sellable product. I installed a small commercial-grade kitchen at The Mill, and I spend a few hours there most days, especially during the summer. The best part is, I have staff that cleans up after me.”

She put the baking dish in the oven and managed to get it started.

“Okay, while those are heating up, let’s start with some staples.”

She opened a mason jar of sliced peaches, then dipped in a fork and held it to his lips.

“Delicious,” he said. “What is that?”

“My hybrid Snow Beauties with natural juices and vanilla schnapps. It’s one of my favorites.”

It was now officially one of his, too. “More, please.”

She obliged, spearing another slice. This time, he wrapped his hand around hers and let her take a bite first. A drop of liquid dribbled over her lips, and without conscious thought, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.

She stiffened at first, and he feared he’d made a grave error. He pulled away and was about to apologize when her free hand reached up, curled around the back of his neck, and coaxed him for another.

This time, her lips were soft and welcoming, tasting of peaches and vanilla. The kiss lasted much longer. Not long enough, but longer.

When she released him, he said, “Even better. I think I should sample everything this way.”

“Yes to some things,” she said with a smile. “But no to others. The chicken, for example. That could get weird.”

He appeared to consider it. “I see your point. All right. I’ll leave it up to you.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven


There were many things about Doc that Tina liked, but his easygoing manner and ready willingness to cede control over to her were particularly attractive. It balanced nicely with the protective, dangerous SEAL she’d glimpsed earlier. While she appreciated a strong, capable man, she had no use for overbearing he-man types. At the same time, she couldn’t be with someone who was passive and deferential by nature.

It was a tough ask, but she refused to settle. Now, it didn’t look like she would have to. Doc checked all of her boxes and then some.

Since he was being so agreeable, she decided to press her luck.

“All right then. How about you sit down and let me take care of this?”

For a moment, she thought he was going to refuse, but he surprised her by sliding into the booth seat. “All right.”

“Here. You can open this,” she said, handing him a bottle. “It’s a peach Riesling I’ve been working on with a friend I met on one of my summer internships in college. Her family owns vineyards along the Mosel River in Germany. Phenomenal white grapes. I’d love to start a mini vineyard of my own at some point.”

“Why don’t you?”

“Gunther thinks it’s too risky. It would require a prime south-facing slope and several years to achieve anything viable. Still, I think it would be a good investment. Local wineries are becoming more popular every year.”

“Does your brother make all the decisions for the business?”

“We each get an equal vote, but Kief and Rick rarely vote against Gunther, so he usually gets his way.”

Doc didn’t say anything else on the subject, but the slight downturn of his lips suggested he didn’t like her answer. She didn’t either, but it was what it was.

Under Doc’s watchful eyes, Tina pulled the chicken from the oven but left the stuffed peaches in to stay warm. She located dishes, glasses, and silverware with his direction and prepared plates for them both.

“Zook’s chicken stands on its own,” she told him, “but I made a peach and currant chutney that I think goes well with it.”

He took a bite and closed his eyes in bliss. “This is ... I don’t even have words for this.”

“I know, right? I was thinking of giving a few jars to Eli and Rachael Zook next week, kind of a cross-promotional thing. We did something Copyright 2016 - 2024