Organically Yours (Sanctuary #5) - Abbie Zanders Page 0,40


“All right, dear. Don’t overdo it.”

“I won’t.”

Tina ended the call and considered her next move. She had planned on visiting the warehouse, but just the thought of getting dressed and driving down there was exhausting, especially when she could accomplish the same thing with a phone call.

Thankfully, Otto answered the phone. Otto had been managing the warehouse for as long as she could remember.

“Otto, it’s Tina. Could you do me a favor?”

“Anything for you, Peaches.”

She smiled at the familiar nickname. Her grandfather had given it to her a long time ago because of her obsession with them. Otto was the only one who still called her that.

“Would you check the shipment of pesticide that came in for the orchards?”

“Sure thing. Give me an hour. Three tractor trailers just pulled up.”

“No problem.”

While Tina waited for Otto to call back, she dressed in comfortable lounge pants and made herself some scrambled eggs and toast. She just sat down when a text came through from Doc.

Doc: How are you feeling?

Tina: Much better, thanks. I’m taking it easy today.

Doc: Glad to hear it.

Tina: I learned my lesson.

Doc: Kate’s making loaded baked potato soup. Want me to bring you some tonight?

Tina bit her lip, debating on whether or not to tempt fate, especially after the morning’s visit from Rick. However, the desire to see Doc outweighed the potential risk.

Tina: That depends.

Doc: On ...

Tina: If you’ll share it with me.

Doc: That’s a given. Anything else you want me to bring?

Tina: Just you. Even the soup is optional.

As had happened before, three dots appeared and then disappeared before his response popped up on the screen. She couldn’t help but wonder what he wanted to say but didn’t and why.

Doc: See you tonight—after dark.

Tina set the phone down, feeling markedly better than she had only a few minutes earlier. Not only had simply exchanging texts with Doc lifted her spirits, but she also wasn’t going to have to wait until Sunday to see him again.

She decided to make the most of her rare time off with a bit of pampering. A long, hot shower with moisturizing body wash and sinus-clearing essential oils, followed by an exfoliating scrub and a long-overdue manicure and pedicure. By the time Otto called back, she was almost feeling human again.

“The stuff we got isn’t the stuff we ordered,” Otto told her, confirming her suspicions. “Not sure where things got messed up.”

Tina had a pretty good idea. “Who else has access to place orders?”

“Besides me and Hank? You and the boys, of course, and the field supervisors.”

Field supervisors. Like Eddie. “Thanks, Otto.”

“No problem. I put a call in to the supplier. He assured me he’ll have good stuff here by the end of the week.”

“We don’t pay you enough.”

“You pay me plenty,” he said. “But while we’re on the subject, any word on when the new checks are getting cut?”

“What new checks?”

“The payroll checks. My last one bounced. Gunther said there was some mix-up with the bank and he’d take care of it.”

“I didn’t know. I’ll look into it, okay?”

“I’d appreciate that.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


Doc found Tina much improved when he arrived on her doorstep later that night. She must have been watching for him because she opened the door before he had a chance to knock.

“Hey,” she greeted. Her gaze moved past him. “Where’s your car?”

“Behind that copse of maples,” he told her. “I parked it out of sight, just in case someone besides your grandmother happens to come by.”

Her features softened. “That’s very thoughtful of you.”

“I’m a thoughtful guy.”

“So you are. Come on in. Is that Kate’s potato soup?”

“It is.”

“Perfect. I’ve been looking forward to it all day ... among other things.”

She gave him an almost-shy smile that lit him up from the inside out.

“We should warm this up a bit.”

“It’s probably just as good cold, but okay. I guess I can wait a few more minutes.”

She pulled two ceramic bowls from the cupboard and set them on the counter, but he gently plucked the ladle from her hands before she could fill them.

“Sit. I’ve got this.”

“You’re kind of bossy, you know that?” she grumbled, but amusement laced her tone, and she did as he’d asked.

“You just said I was thoughtful.”

“You are. Thoughtful and bossy.”

“Only with stubborn patients.” He filled both bowls and popped them into the microwave.

“I’m not stubborn.”

When he laughed at that, she added, “Okay, maybe I am. But I’m used to doing things for myself, you know?”

Yeah, he’d already figured that out for himself. That made the fact that she’d allowed Copyright 2016 - 2024