The Order (Gabriel Allon #20) - Daniel Silva Page 0,42

bother,” said a voice calmly. “You won’t find what you’re looking for.”

Gabriel turned. In the darkness he could see nothing. Donati aimed the phone’s flashlight into the void. It illuminated a man in a cassock. No, thought Gabriel. Not a cassock. A robe.

The man moved forward, soundlessly, on sandaled feet. He was identical to Gabriel in height and build, about five eight, no more than a hundred and sixty pounds. His hair was black and curly, his skin was dark. He had an ancient face, like an icon come to life.

He took another step forward. His left hand was heavily bandaged. So was his right. It was clutching a manila envelope.

“Who are you?” asked Donati.

His face registered no change in expression. “You don’t know me? I’m Father Joshua, Excellency.”

He spoke fluent Italian, the language of the Vatican, but it was obviously not his native tongue. His name seemed to mean nothing to Donati.

He lifted his eyes to the ceiling. “You mustn’t stay long. Cardinal Albanese instructed the security guards to search the Depository. They’re on their way.”

“How do you know?”

He lowered his gaze toward the pale-green door. “I’m afraid the book is gone, Excellency.”

“Do you know what it was?”

“This will tell you everything you need to know.” The priest handed Donati the envelope. The flap was sealed with clear packing tape. “Don’t open it until you’re outside the walls of the Vatican.”

“What is it?” asked Donati.

The priest lifted his eyes toward the ceiling again. “It’s time for you to leave, Excellency. They’re coming.”

ONLY THEN WAS GABRIEL ABLE to hear the voices. He seized his phone from Donati and extinguished the light. The darkness was absolute.

“Follow me,” whispered Father Joshua. “I know the way.”

They walked in a single file, the priest leading, Gabriel behind Donati. They made a right turn, then a left, and a moment later they were back at the door through which they had entered the Depository. It opened to Father Joshua’s touch. He raised a hand in farewell and then melted once more into the gloom.

They entered the stairwell and climbed the eight flights of steps. Gabriel’s phone had lost its connection to Unit 8200. When he redialed, Yuval Gershon answered instantly.

“I was getting worried.”

“Can you see us?”

“I can now.”

Gershon unlocked the last two doors simultaneously. Outside, the sharp Roman sunlight dazzled their eyes. Donati slipped the envelope into his briefcase and reset the combination locks.

“Maybe I should carry that,” said Gabriel as they set off toward the Via Sant’Anna.

“I outrank you, Father Benedetti.”

“That’s true, Excellency. But I’m the one with the gun.”

IT WAS AT THAT INSTANT the lights flickered to life in Cardinal Domenico Albanese’s apartment. Dripping wet, he lifted the receiver of his internal Vatican phone and heard the pleasing pulse of a dial tone. The duty officer in the Archives control room answered on the first ring. Yes, he said, the power had been restored. The computer network was in the process of rebooting, and the security cameras and automatic doors were once again functioning normally.

“Is there any evidence of an intrusion?”

“None, Eminence.”

Relieved, Albanese placed the receiver gently in its cradle and took a moment to ponder the view from the window of his private study. It lacked the grandeur of the vista from the papal apartments—he could not see St. Peter’s Square or even the dome of the basilica—but it allowed him to monitor the comings and goings at St. Anne’s Gate.

At present, the Via Sant’Anna was deserted except for a tall archbishop and a smallish priest in a slightly ill-fitting clerical suit. They were headed toward the gate at a parade-ground clip. The priest’s hands were empty, but in the right hand of the archbishop was a fine leather briefcase. Albanese recognized it. Indeed, he had often expressed admiration for the bag. He recognized the archbishop as well.

But who was the priest? Albanese had but one suspect. He reached for his phone and made one final call.

A DEVOUT CATHOLIC WHO ATTENDED Mass daily, Colonel Alois Metzler, commandant of the Pontifical Swiss Guard, did his best to avoid the office on Sundays. But because it was the Sunday before the start of a conclave, a most sacred undertaking that would be watched by billions around the world, he was at his desk in the Swiss Guard barracks when Cardinal Albanese telephoned. The camerlengo was molto agitato. In frenetic Italian, which Metzler spoke fluently if reluctantly, he explained that Archbishop Luigi Donati and his friend Gabriel Allon had just broken into the Secret Archives Copyright 2016 - 2024