The Oracle Code - By Charles Brokaw Page 0,56

survivors who filmed the attack and did video blog interviews later.”

Curious, Lourds took his cell phone out of his shirt pocket. His phone had been turned off. He powered it up. There were forty-seven missed calls from Layla and several dozen from other people, including both Tina Metcalf and Dean Wither.

“My phone was off. You’ll have to excuse me while I fix this.” Lourds got up from the table and walked over to the low wall surrounding the eating area. He punched redial on Layla’s calls.

She answered at once. “Thomas?”

“Yes. Sorry. My phone was off, and I’ve been busy all day.”

“My god, I’ve been worried sick. I got your earlier e-mail saying that you were joining Boris today. Why didn’t you call?”

“I knew you were busy.”

“Not too busy that I wouldn’t have taken time out to speak with you and find out if you were alive and all right. You are all right, aren’t you?”

“I am.”

“I’m sorry about Boris. It was on the news. I feel terrible. I heard about him, and I kept hoping that nothing had happened to you.”

“Nothing did.”

“Where are you now?”

Lourds gazed out into the darkness and saw the moon’s glow reflecting from the blue temple dome in the distance. “Herat.”

“Why are you still there?”

“Trying to figure out what I’m supposed to do next.”

Some of the worry left her voice. “Come here, Thomas. Come to me and let me see for myself that you are all right.”

“You’re busy.”

“Not too busy for this. If I had known where to go, I would have left when I heard the news. How soon can you be here?”

“It’s a six-hour drive. I’ll have to see if I can find a rental agency that will let me have a car. My last one was stolen.”


“Long story.” Lourds watched Anna. She was talking on her cell phone as well. He checked his watch. It was after eight o’clock. “Look, it’s late. You’re tired and I’m tired. Let’s both get a good night’s sleep and see if we can meet sometime tomorrow. I know you’ve got a full day packed with meetings.”

Someone at the other end of the phone asked for Layla’s attention. The person sounded frantic.

Layla evidently covered the phone with her hand because her voice grew muffled. “It will be all right. I will be there in a moment. Just keep making small talk.” Then she was back on the line. “Thomas?”


“I will clear my afternoon. Get an early start in the morning, and I will see you then. I’m sorry, but I have to go. This fundraiser is very important.”

“I understand.”

“And if anything changes, let me know. Immediately.”

“I will.”

“Charge your phone. Keep it on. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Then she was gone.

Lourds pocketed his phone and returned to the table. He started packing his gear. “Let’s go see if we can find a place for the night. Hopefully there’s a hotel or bed and breakfast close by.” He left money on the table, and they flagged down a taxi in the street.


When the satphone vibrated on his chest, Linko came awake at once and scooped it up. “Yes.”

“We have information.” The FSB SIGINT operative on the other end of the connection spoke in bored tones. The SIGINT unit handled communications intelligence, gathering it from tapped phones and other communication devices.

“Tell me.” Linko sat up on the small bed in the cramped bed and breakfast he’d rented.

He’d searched in vain all afternoon for Lourds. He didn’t have many assets in Herat but did have a few, and he mobilized them all. Unfortunately, several Americans were in the city, and most of them were now interested in what was going on at the dig.

It was like Lourds and Anna Cherkshan had vanished.

“Lourds has contacted the Teneen woman.” Covert mercenaries hired by the FSB had tapped the woman’s phone in Kandahar.

“When did he call her?”

“He only now got off the phone with her.”

“This is the first time he’s called her?” Linko had trouble believing that.

“Yes. According to the communication he had with the woman, his phone has been turned off. He only now turned it on.”

“Where is he?”

“In Herat.”

“Still?” Linko struggled to imagine that. He had expected Lourds to run as far and as fast as he could. And to leave a trail. Linko had gotten information about the truck the American had rented and had been surprised when the vehicle turned up on a police impound lot after boys were caught joyriding in it. Any information Lourds had left in the Copyright 2016 - 2024