The Oracle Code - By Charles Brokaw Page 0,31

scheme you have, yes? Pretending to be attracted to American men, then leading them out into the alley where your friends can kill them.”

“They weren’t going to kill you. Only rob you.” Tears glittered in her eyes.

Linko stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers. He knew she was lying. “Okay. That is too bad for them. But it doesn’t have to be so bad for you.”

“What do you want?”

“I want what you teased me with.” Linko turned her around to face the wall, then he lifted her coat and short skirt and tore her panties away. He was ready for her, and he took her roughly, listening to her squeal and cry out, but not too loudly. Her reaction made the moment even more exciting.

When he was finished, he put the pistol to the back of her head and squeezed the trigger. He put his clothing back together and headed for the street.

Once at the curb, he thought about the promotion President Nevsky had promised, and he felt very satisfied. He pulled his coat tighter and flagged down a passing taxi. He looked forward to getting out of Moscow. Afghanistan was never so cold as Russia at this time of year.


Kabul Serena Hotel

Kabul, Afghanistan

February 14, 2013

Lourds woke to an empty bed. Layla had left a note on the pillow next to his. She’d written in her language, knowing full well he could easily read it.

Dearest Thomas,

I thought of waking you before I left, but you looked so peaceful sleeping that I didn’t have the heart. I already miss you, and I know that you will miss me too. There is no reason to start that on your part any earlier than need be. And, truthfully, I don’t want to test my willpower by trying to walk out of this room while you are asking me to stay.

I’m afraid I wouldn’t be that strong. I find it harder to do each time we separate.

I took the time to put your things away. I will call as soon as I am able.



Groggy from jetlag and from the lack of sleep, Lourds forced himself out of bed long enough to sit on the edge and look out the window over the city. The blue towers in the distance looked like something out of a fantasy world. He thought of going to the Kharabat neighborhood, thinking that perhaps a casual stroll through the workshops where musicians made their own instruments and composed daily might be a diversion.

When the Taliban had been in power, the musicians left the historic quarter, but they’d been coming back since the terrorists had been routed. That section of the city had almost been destroyed during the Soviet occupation during the 1980s, but the musicians had returned then as well. Now, their sons and daughters worked to rebuild the area after the Taliban had been sent packing.

There was something eternal about walking through the neighborhood. Musicians occupied half-built workshops, and they sang and laughed amid the rubble, finding their muse in the darkest corners. The trips Lourds had made through the Kharabat had always been uplifting.

But he didn’t feel like going today.

Normally, he’d be excited to greet the new day while in one of the ancient cities. There was so much to study, so much to imagine. But the familiar wanderlust wasn’t in him at the moment. He felt...empty. And that wasn’t something he’d ever experienced in quite this way before.

He didn’t know what he was going to do. He didn’t want to do anything. He simply wanted Layla back with him. Reaching into his pants, which were neatly folded on the nearby chair, he took out the engagement ring and examined it again.

Sunlight filtering through the curtains covering the window splintered light from the diamond. After a while, he closed the box, put it away, and lay back down on the bed.

Mercifully, he slept.


The phone beside the bed rang and woke Lourds. Instinctively, he threw out a hand and managed to snare the handset. “Hello.”

“Mr. Lourds?”

Lourds almost corrected the man, ready to tell him it was Professor or Doctor, but not mister. But that was irritation at being awoken, and at being alone, not a true pride thing. Instead, he just confirmed his identity.

“This is the hotel desk, sir. I have an urgent phone call for you.”

That announcement woke Lourds more fully. His first concern was for Layla, that she might have fallen asleep while driving and had an accident.

“Of course. Put it through.” He glanced at Copyright 2016 - 2024