Operation Fake Relationship - Jay Northcote Page 0,47

inadvertently crossing some invisible line he couldn’t sense. If only they’d had a chance to talk this morning. He wanted to know what was going on in Jackson’s head.

Distracted, he slipped again on a patch of leaves, his heel skidding away from him.

This time Jackson caught his arm. “Blimey, what’s going on with you? You’re a dancer, you’re supposed to be coordinated.” His tone was teasing.

“We all have our off days,” Nick replied. “I think it may be a sign I need some new walking boots too. The grips on these have worn right down.” He tried to take his arm back, but Jackson kept hold of him.

“Lucky you’ve got me to help you stay on your feet then.” He took Nick’s hand and they carried on walking.

“Yeah. Thanks,” Nick said, squeezing his hand.

Jackson gave him a quick grin. Bittersweet feelings swirled in Nick’s chest, but he did his best to smile back and hide the turmoil inside.

When they got back to the house, Pete was in the kitchen eating a bowl of cornflakes.

“Hello,” he said. “I wondered where everyone had got to. I thought you’d all been abducted by aliens or something.”

“Your father’s in,” their mum said. “He’s busy with something in his study.”

“Who wants tea or coffee?” Maria asked as she filled the kettle.

“Good idea. Tea please.” Nick’s mum’s eyes lit up. “Ooh, I’ve just remembered there’s a lovely tin of biscuits we haven’t even started on yet. Let me go and fetch them.”

Once they’d made a pot of tea and a pot of coffee, they sat around the kitchen table eating their way through the biscuits. Nick was halfway down his second cup of tea when his dad came in to join them.

“There’s tea in the pot if you want some, love,” Nick’s mum said.

“Thanks. How about the biscuits, are there any left for me?” he asked.

“You’d better get in quickly,” Maria replied. “I think we’ve nearly demolished them.”

“Crikey, you have!” He peered into the tin. “I’d forgotten how quickly a tin of biscuits can disappear with all the family home… all the family with some new additions, I should say.” He smiled at Adrian and then Jackson.

Nick felt a sudden flash of guilt. Now he’d healed the rift with his dad it felt wrong to have deceived them about the nature of his relationship with Jackson. It was too late now, though. At some point down the line he’d have to make up more lies to explain a separation, or a dissolution of the relationship. That was a depressing thought.

As his dad leant across him to reach the biscuit tin, Nick spotted a smudge of something green on his face. “Dad, you’ve got paint on your cheek.” He pointed.

“Have I?” He drew back, rubbing ineffectually at the smear with his free hand. “Ah well, it’s an occupational hazard. I’ll get it off later. I only came out to grab a cup of tea and a biscuit or two. I’m going to do a bit more painting before lunch.” With that he picked up his tea and headed off again.

“What’s he up to?” Maria asked. “He seems to be on a bit of a mission today.”

“No idea.” Their mum shrugged and then she turned to Nick and asked, “What time do you want to have lunch? I know you and Jackson didn’t want to leave too late.”

Nick glanced up at the kitchen clock. It was already nearly midday. “In an hour or so? I’d like to try and leave by about half one. But we won’t need much lunch. I’m not very hungry after the biscuit frenzy.”

“Well there’s plenty of bread and cheese for sandwiches, and turkey leftovers of course.”

“That sounds perfect.”

Lunch ended up being a little later than planned, but by two o’clock Nick and Jackson had packed the car and were ready to say their farewells. Nick’s family were assembling in the hall to see them off, Seth was in Maria’s arms, fresh from his nap and still looking a little sleepy.

“Will he come to me for a cuddle?” Nick asked.

“Try him. What do you think, Sethie? Got a hug and a kiss for Uncle Nick?”

Nick held out his arms and was rewarded by an adorable smile and a happy noise, so Maria handed him over. Nick kissed Seth’s cheek. “Goodbye, buddy. Tell your mum and dad to come and visit us soon.” He smiled at Maria. “You know you’re always welcome at ours.”

“Thanks. We might take you up on that.”

“Of course. You must have

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