Operation Fake Relationship - Jay Northcote Page 0,14

he protested.

But Jackson pretended right along with him. “Yeah. Good on you.”

Getting down from the tree was only marginally easier than climbing up, but Jackson emerged unscathed. The last hint of blue twilight had faded from the sky now, so Nick took Jackson’s hand again and used his torch to light their way.

“This is the path that takes us home,” he said as they took a right turn. “It’s not far now.”

When they finally reached the gate, Nick put his phone away and let them into the garden. Warm light poured from windows at the back of the house and they could see both Nick’s parents busy in the kitchen. Reg was right by the window, head down, washing dishes by the look of it.

“Give me your hand again,” Nick said. “In case they see us coming.”

Jackson was happy to oblige, and as a security light on the back of the house came on Reg glanced up. He looked over his shoulder and said something inaudible, and then Sue appeared at the window beside him, waving cheerfully.

Nick waved back, keeping hold of Jackson’s hand.

They let themselves in through the back door, leaving their coats and boots in the utility room.

The kitchen was warm and smelt savoury and spicy. “What’s cooking?” Nick asked as they entered the kitchen.

“Chilli con carne,” Sue replied.

“And apple crumble for pudding,” Maria added. She was sitting at the table with Seth who was in a highchair, his face smeared with yogurt, and a plastic spoon in one chubby hand. Maria glanced over their heads and shot them a mischievous grin. “Aw, look, Nick. You’re under the mistletoe. You know the rules.”

Jackson looked up to see a large bunch of mistletoe tied up with red ribbon hanging from a hook in the ceiling.

“Of course,” Nick said smoothly. “Come here, babe.” Amusement curved his lips as he stepped in close and tilted his face up expectantly. He waited, eyebrows raised as if in friendly challenge.

What else could Jackson do? He’d agreed to this pretence, so he could hardly leave Nick hanging. Up close, he could see flecks of grey in Nick’s blue eyes that he’d never noticed before. He put his hands on Nick’s shoulders and quickly ducked his head, intending to give Nick a brief kiss on the lips. But as soon as their lips met, Nick curled his hand around the nape of Jackson’s neck and held him there with enough pressure that Jackson got the message loud and clear.

Not so fast! He could imagine exactly how Nick would sound if he was saying it out loud, stern with a touch of humour.

Jackson gave in, letting Nick take charge of the kiss as their mouths softened against each other’s. It wasn’t a snog exactly. There were no tongues involved. But it was definitely more than a peck on the lips. It made Jackson’s heart surge in a sudden thrilling rush because it was so sweet and gentle and loving.

Except it wasn’t.

This was just for show, and that knowledge caused a dull ache in Jackson’s chest as he longed for the real thing.

When Nick finally released him, Jackson’s heart was thumping as if he’d done fifty press-ups.

“Happy Christmas,” Nick said softly.

“It’s not Christmas yet,” Jackson managed.

“Well, Happy Christmas Eve, then.” Turning away, Nick addressed his nephew. “Hey, buddy. The food’s supposed to go in your mouth, not all over your face.”

Maria laughed. “Yeah, we’re still working on that, aren’t we, darling?” Seth stuck his free hand in the yogurt pot and shoved a handful of it into his mouth, as if to prove Nick wrong. Then he threw his spoon on the floor.

Jackson picked it up. “Shall I give it back to him, or do you want me to wash it first?”

“You can give it back to him. But he’ll probably drop it again immediately.”

Sure enough, the moment Jackson put the spoon on the highchair tray, Seth grabbed it and flung it to the floor again with a joyful shriek.

“Well if you don’t want it, it can stay there,” Maria said calmly. “I think you’re finished anyway.”

Seth craned to see the spoon on the floor. “Ba-ba-bah!” He pointed.

“No. You’re done. Let’s get you cleaned up and I’ll see if I can get Daddy to play with you while I sort out this mess.”

“Want us to take Seth for a bit?” Nick offered.

“Oh, yes. That would be awesome. I’m not sure if Adrian will be out of the shower yet.”

“No problem. Seth can have some quality uncle time.”


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