Open and Shut - By David Rosenfelt Page 0,74

rush back down to the stream where Nicole is still lying. I pick her motionless body up and put it over my shoulder, carrying her to the car. I lie her down in the back seat and quickly apply a cloth to her shoulder, though the bleeding has for the most part stopped. I don't want to let myself think about the possible implications of that, and I speed to a nearby hospital, calling them from my cell phone so they will be prepared for our arrival.

We arrive at the hospital in five minutes that seem like five hours. They are indeed waiting for us, and perform with incredible efficiency from the moment we arrive. The paramedics immediately have Nicole on a stretcher and bring her inside, with one of them having the consideration to tell me that yes, she is still alive.

I am led to a waiting room, where I spend the next two hours totally in the dark about Nicole's condition. I call Philip and leave word in his office as to where I am and what has happened. They tell me he is in Washington, but they reach him and he is going to fly back immediately.

Finally, a young woman comes out and introduces herself as Dr. Summers. She wastes no time.

“Your wife is going to pull through. The bullet did not strike any vital organs.”

It takes a moment for these words to register, so that I can then ask other questions. Dr. Summers tells me that Nicole has lost a significant amount of blood, and they are in the process of finishing a transfusion. Her collarbone is shattered, but it will heal over time.

“When can I see her?”

“I would say in about an hour.”

I thank her and sit back down. The police arrive, and I tell a detective what I know. The only thing I leave out is the most significant fact, the license plate number. Right now I'm not trusting anyone, and I'm going to play my cards close to the vest.

Moments after the police leave, Laurie arrives, though I have no idea how she has heard about what happened. She sees me, comes over and hugs me.

“Andy, God, I'm sorry. How is she?”

I tell her what the doctor has told me, and Laurie asks if I have any idea who was behind this.

“No,” I say, “but I know who they were after. Me.”

Suddenly, the pent-up anger and frustration overwhelms me, and I punch a hole in the wall. Well, a dent in the wall.

“Goddammit! Nicole told me to drop it, and somebody fired a bullet into her body when I wouldn't.”

Laurie puts her hand on my shoulder, but there is no consoling me. This is the closest I have ever come to being out of control, and I have to fight to keep what little composure I have left.

“Andy …”

“Laurie, just before this happened, I told Nicole that things were not going to work out for us. That my heart wasn't in it anymore.”

“Oh, God …”

“And now, because of me … she's lying in there with somebody else's blood being pumped into her to keep her alive.”

Laurie stays with me until the doctors say that I can see Nicole. Before she leaves, I remember to tell her the license plate number of the car that I saw on the scene, and she promises to check it out.

When I walk into Nicole's room, I am jolted by the sight of her. She lies, pale and weak, connected to machines by tubes. Her eyes are open, but she seems groggy.

I try to be upbeat. “Nicole, how are you feeling?”

She looks in my direction, and I watch as her eyes try to focus. She finally realizes that it is me, and she starts to cry softly.

“Andy … oh, Andy.”

I move toward her and hold her, trying my best not to interfere with any of the tubes.

“Calm down … take it easy, now. You need your rest. The doctor said you're going to be fine, as long as you take it easy.”

“It hurts so much, Andy.”

“I know. I know it does.”

“Where's my father?”

“He'll be here soon. He was in Washington, but he's on the shuttle. He's very worried about you.”

She nods softly, obviously very tired.

“Nicole, I'm sorry. You have no idea how sorry. You don't belong in this … you don't deserve this.” But she is already asleep, and she can't hear me. We haven't been able to hear each other for a very, very long time.

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