Only One Touch (Only One #4) - Natasha Madison Page 0,38

out to make sure we were at the best restaurant and to be seen. We walked around the city, holding hands and making out. We spent the nights in bed or around the suite getting lost in each other. I thought after the second day, I would tire of her and want my space, but instead, I craved her touch. I craved to touch her. “Does this plane have a bedroom?”

We walk to the living room, and I pick up my bag as she rolls her suitcase to the door. “I have no idea which one I have today,” I say as we make our way down to the car.

When we pull onto the tarmac, I look at the plane. “No bedroom, but there is a living room.”

“Oh,” she says when I hold out my hand to help her out. “That’s too bad.”

“Why?” I ask, chuckling.

“The mile-high club is still empty.” She winks at me as she walks up the stairs to the plane, leaving me with my own thoughts.

I wait until the bags are loaded before walking up the steps, and I see her sitting on the couch buckled in as she reads something on her phone. “Where did you go?”

“I was trying to get my cock to come down from a salute before getting on the plane.” I look over at her, taking a seat next to her. The flight attendant closes the door and tells us we are getting ready for takeoff.

“I could have helped with that,” she says, tilting her head, knowing full well if she touches me, the last thing I’m going to be is soft. “You are no fun.”

“I’ll remember that the next time you beg me to come,” I whisper in her ear and bite her earlobe.

“Promises, promises.” She baits me just as she always fucking baits me.

For the rest of the flight, we are on our computers working, and for the first time ever, no one gets on my case about working. A lot of times, I’m nagged to take a break but not with Becca. She works just as hard on her computer, and when we land, she puts her computer away. “I have so much work to catch up on.”

“Play hard,” I say, “work harder.”

“I don’t think that’s the way the saying goes.” She laughs, and when we get off the plane, a car is waiting for us. “I can get a ride home if you are too busy.”

“You mean that, don’t you?” I ask, and she just looks at me confused.

“If it was anyone else …” I say. She walks closer to me, and I love that she doesn’t back down. “You mean, if it was another woman, she would be pissed that you fucked her all weekend long and are expecting her to get her own ride home.” I laugh. “But I’m not one of those women. For one, I think I fucked you just as much as you fucked me.”

“Get in the SUV, Becca,” I say, and her eyes twinkle. If I had the time, I’d bring her back to my house and fuck her a couple more times.

“What do we say?” She folds her arms over her chest. “You can do it.”

“Please,” I say between clenched teeth, and she claps her hands together, walking toward the SUV.

I give the driver her address, and my heart beats a bit erratically when we pull up to her building. “Well, Nico,” she says, turning and looking at me, and she is beautiful. Every single day, she gets more beautiful. “Thank you for a wonderful weekend.”

“Why the fuck do I feel like I’m being dismissed?” I grab her and bring her to me. “I’ll call you later.” Her eyes change from the light to a dark, and I kiss her. Her mouth opens for me as our tongues meet again. We kiss until the door opens, and she slips out of my arms.

The doorman welcomes her home, and she smiles at him. She walks into the building with the man beside her as she rolls her luggage. She never once looks back, making me miss her even more.

I walk into my own house twenty minutes later, dumping my bag on the table in the middle of the room. “Welcome home.” I look up to see Lizzie standing on the second floor, leaning against the railing.

“Hey,” I say to her, picking up the paper she left for me there.

The door opens to the left as she gets out of the elevator. Copyright 2016 - 2024