Only One Touch (Only One #4) - Natasha Madison Page 0,31

bad decisions.” He clicks his glass with mine, and I take another drink.

“Do you want to play a game?” I ask, and he just looks at me. “It’s called never have I ever.” He rolls his eyes. “So I’m going to say something like never have I ever gotten a lap dance.” He looks at me and smirks. “Now, you obviously have so you have to drink.”

“How do you know I’ve gotten a lap dance before?” he asks, and it’s my turn to roll my eyes.

“Drink,” I say, and he takes a sip of his scotch. “Now it’s your turn.”

“Never have I ever given a lap dance,” he says. I grab my glass of wine, and his eyes glitter. “Are you not going to tell me the story?”

“I mean, I don’t know the actual rules to this game,” I say. “But I took four years of pole dancing.” I clap my hands. “My turn. Never have I ever had sex in public.”

I look at him. “Define public.”

“I don’t know … public. I guess a bathroom in a bar.” He doesn’t touch his drink. “What do you define as public?”

“No idea, but I’ve never fucking done it,” he says. “Never have I ever left my house without underwear.” I wink at him and take a sip. “Shut up,” he says, smiling.

I don’t know if it’s the easy way this is going or the fact that I’ve never felt so free before on a date, but I lean in. “Right now,” I whisper to him, and his jaw gets tight. “Never have I ever lied about having sex with someone.”

He takes his drink, and I throw my head back and laugh. “Please, I’m a guy. Chances are half the stories I told in college that involved a girl were a lie. Never have I ever dated two people at the same time.”

I laugh. “Smooth,” I say to him. “No, not then. I’m all about one man at a time. And just so we are clear, I also don’t stick around if I find out I’m not the only woman.” I take my glass of wine and finish it. I look at the ice bucket beside me, and I’m about to grab the bottle and pour myself another glass when the waiter comes rushing over and pours it for me. I take a sip of wine. “Never have I ever said the wrong name during sex.” He reaches and drinks his scotch, and I laugh at him. “Oh my God, Nico.”

“In my defense, it was Natalia, and I called her Natalie,” he says, and I shake my head.

“So if you're inside me, and I call you Nikon, it’s the same?” I tilt my head to the side, and he glares at me. “Didn’t think so.”

“My turn,” he says. “Never have I ever had phone sex.”

“What?” I say in shock and drink the wine. “I mean, define phone sex.”

“You took a drink.” He laughs and points out.

I put up my hand. “I mean, I’ve filtered on the phone sexually before.”

“Have you ever had an orgasm on the phone with someone?” he asks, and I look him in the eye.

“Then no,” I answer honestly.

“I see lots of firsts in our relationship,” he says, and the wine is just flowing through me at this time. I drink the rest of the wine and then look at him. The waiter rushes over, filling my glass, and I just smile at him.

“Never have I ever been shy in the bedroom.” My finger taps the stem of the glass, and we both drink at the same time.

“What does that mean, Becca?” he says, and I look at him.

“That means I like sex.” I take a drink of wine. “I like having sex. If I want something, I’m not shy about asking for it. Not in the bedroom, not in the kitchen, not in the doorway,” I say, and I see that he is fisting his hand. “I like to give.” I take a sip of wine and look at the side. “But I like to receive even more.” I look at him. “Your turn.”

“Never have I ever fell asleep during sex,” he says, and I laugh, taking the glass of wine and drinking it.

“It was late and …” I start to laugh. “I didn’t really want to, but …”

“Well, one thing is for sure. That isn’t going to happen here,” he says, and his eyes just look into mine. “Trust me, when we are in bed, no one is Copyright 2016 - 2024