Only One Touch (Only One #4) - Natasha Madison Page 0,27

name names, but I met with someone today, and they promised him he would be the next big thing. They almost said that they are going to deliver him leprechauns and glitter farts.” I laugh as we stop in front of the elevators, and I press the button to go down. “But you told him that he’s going to go to the last-place team, and it’ll be a while before he ever wins a Cup.”

“Reality,” I say. “Think about it. Six hundred and ninety players are in the NHL, and only twenty-three players win a ring every year. Some of the best players in the league never win a Cup,” I say, and he knows.

The ping of the elevator makes me look up, and I come face-to-face with Nico. His face as shocked as mine as he steps out of the elevator. “Fancy meeting you here,” he says, looking at me. His smile forms on his lips, and my stomach does a flip and then sinks. My mouth becomes dry while my palms sweat. My heart starts to beat so fast it echoes in my ears.

Last night, we shared our first kiss—the most amazing kiss I’ve ever had in my life. He left the box a minute after Francis appeared with the girls. I wanted to throat punch my brother for interrupting us, but instead, I pretended to watch the game. I can’t even tell you if anyone scored during the game.

I stayed until the second period and then snuck out without telling him anything. I wasn’t ready to talk about it. I’m still not ready to talk about it. I thought I would have the weekend to run through it in my head. I was even staying two days longer than I needed to, just to keep from being tempted to pick up the phone and call him.

“I was meeting with Cooper Grant,” I say and hold my arm out to stop the elevator doors from closing and leaving me in this awkward place. “My car is waiting,” I lie through my teeth, and I can swear his eyes narrow a bit, calling me out on the lie. “Matthew, thank you so much for taking the time to sit with me.”

“Thank you, Becca, for everything,” he says, and I smile at them both and walk into the elevator.

“See you soon, Becca,” Nico says, and I’m not sure if he’s asking me or telling me. His eyes stare straight into mine as the elevator doors close.

Chapter 12


“See you soon, Becca.” I watch the elevator doors close, and everything in me screams to go after her. Instead, I go with my gut and let her get away. For now.

I’ve been trying to get in touch with her all fucking day. I’ve called, and it’s gone to voice mail. I’ve sent texts, and it’s been radio fucking silence. When I went to find her after the game, the box was dark and empty. I stood there in the exact place where I kissed her for the first time. Anyone could have seen us, but I didn’t give a shit, which is very unlike me. I don’t give anyone anything when it comes to my private life because it’s the only thing that’s mine, and no one has a say in it. “Matthew,” I say, turning to him. “Thank you for meeting with me.”

“Of course,” he says, turning around, going toward the conference room. “This is different, isn’t it?”

I laugh. “Well, neither of us wants anything from the other person, so I guess it is very different.” I’ve been in the game long enough to know that you always want Matthew Grant on your side and you don’t fuck with him. Matthew was the one who alerted me about Ralph. For that, I will always owe him.

The meeting lasts a whole two hours. Only when I’m in the elevator and pressing the lobby button do I take out my phone and see that she still hasn’t called or texted me. The doors open, and I walk across the lobby, calling Lizzie.

“Well, look who it is.” She answers the phone, and I stop walking when I hear her giggle. “Were your ears ringing?”

“No, why?” I ask.

“I’m having lunch with Laurene, and she was telling me how she’s been texting you, and you haven’t replied.” She’s texted me four times, the last text letting me know she was coming back home from Europe.

“Shit,” I say, stepping out into the cold New York afternoon. It’s almost Copyright 2016 - 2024