Only One Chance - Natasha Madison Page 0,72

kiss her lips. I keep waiting for the day when it’s not like the first time with her. I keep waiting for the day that I don’t want her every single time I look at her. I keep waiting for the day when my heart doesn’t beat faster with her beside me. I even check Google, and they haven’t given me anything. She’s at every home game now, and she waits by my car or just drives straight here and waits for me when there aren’t games, and I’m home. I cook for her, and we just hang out with each other. I feel like I know everything about her, but I have this gut feeling she is keeping something from me. I don’t know what it is, and I’m just waiting until it’s the right time to ask her. “Plus, it gives my vagina some time to recoup.”

I throw my head back and laugh. “You could just admit that you miss me when I go away.” I lean down and kiss her lips.

“Oh, here we go,” she says, laughing. “I told you the last time I missed you.”

“No.” I shake my head and walk away from her, going to grab some boxers. “You said you missed my cock.”

“Well, obviously, your cock is on you.” She laughs. “So in the end, I missed you, too.” I pack my bag and put it off to the side.

“What time do you have to be at the airport?” she asks me as I walk over to my side of the bed.

“Nine,” I tell her, slipping my shorts off, and my cock springs free. It’s always ready when she’s around. I slide into bed, and she takes off her T-shirt, throwing it beside her bed. She meets me in the middle of the bed, kissing my chest.

“What are your plans for the week?” I ask.

“I have dinner with Candace tomorrow,” she tells me. “Where we are going to watch our men play hockey.” I laugh. “Then I have lunch with Grandma Nancy the day after.”

“Last time you had lunch with her, she sent me a singing e-card about my dick,” I tell her, and she laughs. “It’s not funny. I opened it in front of the guys, not knowing what it was.”

“It’s not my fault that you sexually satisfy her granddaughter, and she’s proud of it,” she says, kissing me. That night, I barely slept just like every other night before I leave. She gets up with me the next day at seven. We don’t actually get out of bed until eight, and then I am rushing around the house, making sure I have everything. I kiss her goodbye at the door, not wanting to go.

When I get to the airport, I’m the last one to arrive right after Ralph, who mopes onto the plane. “I swear, you two are like love-sick puppies and make me want to gag,” Manning says, fastening his seat belt.

“I’m not a love-sick puppy,” I say to him. “I just didn’t sleep last night.”

“Yeah, which is how you look every single time we go away.” Manning points out. “I’m disappointed in you.” He points at me. “I expected better from you.”

I laugh. “What the hell does that mean?” I ask him, buckling my own seat belt.

“It means you weren’t supposed to fall in love with her so fast,” Manning says, shaking his head, and my hands drop to my waist.

“I’m not in love with her,” I say, chuckling anxiously.

Ralph, on the other hand, throws his head back and laughs louder than I’ve ever heard him laugh. “She’s got you wrapped around her little pinky.” I ignore both of them as they laugh, and the plane takes off. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, only waking when the plane touches down. “Fuck, it’s freezing,” I say when we get off the plane in Ottawa.

We get onto the warm waiting bus, and I take my phone out to see that she already texted me.

Gorgeous: Six hours gone, a fuckton more to go.

I laugh and respond.

Me: Is this you telling me you miss me and not my cock?

Gorgeous: Ugh, so needy. Fine, I miss you.

I laugh and put my phone down and look over at Manning, who just glares at me. “Sick.”

We get off the bus and walk into the hotel, grabbing our room keys. “Are we having a team dinner?” I ask both of them as we walk to the elevator to go up to our rooms.

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