Only One Chance - Natasha Madison Page 0,19

her, and we walk out of the house arm in arm. She stops on the way to the car to inform everyone we see that she has a hot date tonight. She gets in the car and opens the window to let the fresh air in.

“Are you sure you’re up to this?” I look over at her, and she just pats her purse.

“The question you should be asking …” She moves her hair away from her face. “Is he up for all this?” She uses her fingers to point at herself.

Chapter 8


I get out of the limousine as soon as the driver opens the door, and I smile at him. Okay, fine, maybe the limo was a touch extra, but what if she jumped my bones? I need to focus on one thing and one thing only. Her.

Walking up the steps toward her front door, I swear I feel like a kid on prom night. My palms are sweaty, and my heart is hammering in my chest. I look down and take a huge breath, and I press the doorbell. I put my head up and look at the stars, and then I hear the locks, and I wait for the door to open.

She stands there in black jeans and a white shirt. “Am I early?” I look at my watch and see I’m right on time. Okay, maybe she didn’t know how to dress on a first date. I look at my blue suit.

“No, you are right on time,” she says, smiling and then looks over her shoulder. “I’ll get your date,” she says.

“Wait, what is going on?” I ask her, confused.

“Grandma.” She sings her voice cheerfully, and I can tell she is really enjoying this. “Your knight in shining armor is here.”

“Layla.” I say her name, and I am definitely not ready for what comes next. A beautiful older woman comes to the door. She walks to the door like she’s on a catwalk, her curly hair is everywhere, and just with one look, I can see how Layla will look when she’s older.

“Grandma Nancy,” Layla says with a huge smile on her face. “This is your date, Miller.” Layla waits for me to freak out or something, and I just look at her. She wants the chase, I think to myself she is going to get the chase of her life, but she better be ready for when I catch her.

I step into the house and take Nancy’s hand and bend to kiss it. “The pleasure is all mine.” I wink at her, and she smiles.

“Well, if the pleasure was all mine, I have another place you can put those lips,” she says and stuns me by taking my face in her hands and kissing me right on the mouth. I pull away from her when her tongue tries to get into my mouth.

“Um,” I say, shocked, and Layla folds her hands over her chest.

“Well, don’t let me keep you two love birds.” Layla ushers her out the door. “I won’t wait up.” I glare at her right before she closes the door. I don’t even have time to think about it or to knock on the door and tell her that the joke is over before Nancy’s arm slides through mine.

“So, tell me, hotcakes.” She starts walking, and my feet follow her. “Where are you taking me?” I walk back down the steps I just rushed up feeling nervous. She spots the limo right away and yells with glee. Putting her hands to her mouth, she smiles. “I’ve never been in a limo before.” She jumps up and down and almost skips to the car, but she stops. “I’ve also never had sex in a limo before.”

I swallow down and put my hands in my pockets. “We can at least cross one of those things off your list.” I walk slowly to the car.

The driver holds open the door for her. “Pop the champagne.” She throws her hands up in the air. “If the car is a rocking, don’t come a knocking.” The driver rolls his lips to stop from laughing as he looks over at me, and I nod my head. He walks to the trunk where he opens it and brings out the bottle of champagne I made him bring. I actually ordered two bottles of champagne. He also brings out just the one glass that I packed.

The front door opens as soon as the bottle of champagne is popped, and I look over Copyright 2016 - 2024