One Texas Night - By Jodi Thomas Page 0,56

could enjoy the dance with the other older men who sat about drinking and talking without really watching the dancing.

When they’d reached the buggy, he’d pressed her against it before she’d had time to climb in. “Good night,” he said and kissed her hard on the mouth. So hard she’d felt his teeth beneath his thin lip.

She’d shoved away, but it took her a few seconds to push his mass off her.

He’d tried to use his weight to hold her between him and the buggy. He fought her for a moment before letting her slip away. She hated the kiss and the feeling. It was as if he was proving something to her.

Filmore had said good night to her father and walked away without ever saying one word to her. She was a thing to him, nothing more.

When she reached the creek, she splashed across suddenly in a hurry to get away from her life and from the memory of Filmore’s kiss. She wished she could erase the feel of him from her mind. His body had been heavy and shifting like a huge flour sack pressing against her.

When the cottonwoods blocked the moon, she saw Rowdy waiting for her. His arms went up to gently help her down.

“I didn’t know if you’d come,” he said as he lowered her beside him.

For once in her life, Laurel didn’t think. She knew what she needed and wanted.

“I’m glad—” he got out before she rose to her toes and kissed him.

It took a few seconds for Rowdy to react. Then, as if he’d also been hungry for another kiss, he pulled her against him and gave her what she wanted. A long, sweet kiss that made her forget to breathe.

When he finally straightened and pulled away, she could see his gaze still staring at her mouth. She’d shocked him.

Laughing, she pretended to pout. “Sorry I forced myself on you.”

A slow smile spread across his lips. “You’re not sorry at all and neither am I.”

“Good.” She closed the distance between them. Her words brushed against his mouth. “Then would you mind kissing me again?”

“How do you want to be kissed, gentle Laurel?” he answered.

“Completely,” she whispered, leaving her mouth slightly open in invitation.

He met her challenge. With his body pressing like a wall against hers, he kissed her, widening her mouth until he’d tasted all he wanted, then teasing her until she answered in kind. He tugged the ribbon from her hair and wrapped his fingers in the softness.

When she pulled away to breathe, he whispered, “I love your hair. The warmth of it, the softness of it. The way I feel with my hands wrapped in it.”

“I could cut it off and give you a few strands.” She laughed.

He kissed her quick and hard. “No thanks. I prefer it attached to you. There are a few other parts of you I’m growing fond of having near. This partnership has some very interesting side benefits.”

“Like what?” She knew she was fishing, but she needed to hear something other than she was smart and practical.

He hesitated, brushing her cheek with his knuckles. “I like how your mouth fits against mine. I like watching your thoughts sparkle in the pale sunrise blue of your eyes.”


“Are you sure you want the list?”

She nodded.

He tugged her a little tighter to him. “I like the feel of your body against me.”

She buried her face in his shoulder.

His fingers moved gently along her back. “You asked,” he whispered against her ear. “And you didn’t pull away so I’m guessing you like it too.”

He held her for a while, playing with her hair, caressing her gently; then he held her at arm’s length. “Want to tell me what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she lied.

“You rode in here like the devil was chasing you, Laurel. Something happened.”

He was right. She couldn’t believe she was so easy to read. She’d wanted to wash the feel of Jeffery from her and she’d used Rowdy to do just that. Maybe she’d needed affection that had never come from her father. Maybe she wanted to feel like a woman for once and not a thing. Maybe she wanted to prove her father wrong, that she was desirable.

If she told Rowdy any of those reasons he’d think he was being used and she didn’t want to make him feel that way.

She couldn’t lie to him and she wouldn’t tell him the truth. “If I don’t tell you, will you still kiss me again?”

He grinned. “Sure. I kind of like Copyright 2016 - 2024