One Texas Night - By Jodi Thomas Page 0,41

he liked her voice, but offered his arm in silence for fear she’d change her mind if he talked too much.

She hesitated, then laid her gloved hand lightly atop his elbow.

“Call me Rowdy, Laurel,” he finally stammered. “After all, we’ve known each other since the sixth grade.” In his memory he could almost see her sitting in the back of the classroom, curled around a book, looking at no one.

She nodded and said in a very practical voice, “You’re right. We’ve known each other for years.”

They sliced between the buildings and circled to the corrals beside the railroad. Chuck wagons from the big ranches were already setting up camp at the far end. Rows and rows of pens and shoots framed a small arena. He found himself far more interested in her than the stock as they discussed the horses and cattle. To his surprise, she knew livestock, pointing out things he wouldn’t have noticed about the animals.

They walked, stopping now and then. She’d lean into the fence, getting closer to study the wild horses as carefully as a buyer might. But when she finished, she’d turn and place her hand on his arm as if it were the most natural thing.

When they were at the back fence, she finally faced him. She looked up, letting the sun shine on her face. He saw tiny freckles across her nose and tears sparkling in her eyes. Watery blue eyes, he thought, like a rainy morning sunrise.

“You may think me insane, Mr. Dar—I mean Rowdy, but I’ve something to ask you.” She looked like she was mustering every drop of courage inside her.

“Ask.” He studied her, half wishing she’d pull off her bonnet so he could see the color of her hair. Brown, he thought he remembered, light brown. “I’ve already decided you must be crazy to be walking with the likes of me. So I doubt I’ll be surprised by anything you say.”

She grinned, her smile almost crossing her mouth. “All right.” She raised her hand and opened it palm up. Lying atop her glove was a ten dollar gold piece. “If I pay half your fee, will you ride for best all-around? Will you ride for the cattle?”

Rowdy frowned. “Why would you loan me money? If I win, I might be beating one of the captain’s cowhands. Your father, like most ranchers, want men riding for their brand to win these things. I don’t ride for any brand.”

“Exactly,” she said. “And I’m not loaning you the money. I’m buying into a partnership. If you win, you keep any prize money for any individual entries, but I get half the cattle.”


“No questions. All I ask is that I’m your silent partner. No one can know of our bargain.”

“You’ve never even seen me ride.”

She didn’t answer, but pressed her lips together as if debating crying. He realized this meant a great deal to her. “I’ve never seen those wild horses buck, but I can tell you which will give you the winning ride.”

He raised one eyebrow studying her. He knew nothing about women, but he had a feeling this one was one of a kind.

“Are we partners or not?” She bit into her bottom lip and waited. “You’ve very little time left to register.”

He took the money. Her reasons were none of his business. “Silent partners, if that’s the way you want it, lady.”

“That’s the way I want it.”

Then the shy Miss Laurel did something he never expected.

She stood on her toes and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Before he could react, she turned and ran. Her bonnet tumbled to her back as she ran.

“Brown,” he said, as if she were near enough to hear. “I knew your hair would still be light brown.”

He walked back slowly, turning the gold coin over and over in his hand. He’d ride and do his best. Not just for his start, but he had a feeling for hers as well.

Chapter 2

Laurel ran all the way back to her corner between the buildings and tried to slow her heart while she waited. From the shadows, she watched.

A few minutes passed before Rowdy Darnell stepped in front of the table and tossed down ten dollars in bills and her ten dollar gold piece. The boy she remembered was gone, replaced by a man, hard and lean.

She smiled remembering how kind he’d been to her, helping her down from the surrey and asking her to take a walk. Something no other man in town had ever done. Copyright 2016 - 2024