One Texas Night - By Jodi Thomas Page 0,29

of something, anything to say, but no words would come.

He could feel her tugging at the covers, pulling a blanket over her shoulders, snuggling into her own pillow. “Good night, dear,” she said in almost a whisper.

“Good night?” he answered. “Don’t you have anything else to say after what just happened?”

She rose to one elbow. “What just happened?”

Hank closed his eyes and swore beneath his breath. She was going to make him say it, then there would be no doubt what he was apologizing for. “About the way I kissed you. I didn’t plan it, but I’ll not say I’m sorry.”

“All right,” she said as if she’d given it no thought.

He had the feeling she was staring at him in the darkness. Probably thinking of ways to kill him herself since he was stepping way over the line of being partners.

“You’re not mad about the kiss?”

She laughed again. “No, dear,” she answered. “I rather liked it. I’m surprised that something I’ve given little thought to in my life could be so pleasant.”

He was back to step one of trying to understand Aggie. “Then you wouldn’t mind if we did it again?”

This time she rolled toward him. “I wouldn’t mind at all. I rather like the feel of you.” Her lips lowered above his before he had time to move. With her mouth brushing his, she whispered, “I find I like kissing you very much.”

This time he didn’t try to hold her to him. He let her lead. Her kiss was softer, sweeter than his had been. But the weight of her breast resting on his chest drove him mad. “I love this shirt,” he whispered against her mouth. “I love the way . . .” She didn’t let him finish. She was busy learning.

When she finally raised her head, she stared down at him. Even in the darkness he could see the devil dancing in her eyes. She shifted, using his chest to lean on and propped her head on one elbow. “What comes next, dear?”

“You really want to know?”

She nodded. “I didn’t think I ever would. I thought things between a man and a woman were for the man’s pleasure, never the woman’s. Since you kissed me I’ve been reconsidering.”

“I’ll show you,” he said, wondering how she could possibly want him to be her teacher. “But how fast we go down this road, and when we stop, will be up to you.”

“Fair enough.” She nodded as if they’d made an agreement.

She waited.

He hesitated. “Aggie,” he finally said. “What do you know about how it is between a man and a woman?”

She shrugged. “Mostly what my sister told me. About how it’s something to be endured. I wanted no part of that. But your kisses don’t seem that way.” She looked down, embarrassed by her own boldness.

Hank placed his hand on her waist. “And my touch? Would you welcome my touch?”

She nodded slowly.

“Aggie,” he whispered, “look at me.”

She raised her head and he saw her eyes in the moonlight. Nervous. Shy, but not afraid.

His hand moved slowly up her rib cage, a light touch against soft material and softer flesh beneath.

Her eyes widened, but she didn’t move.

His first finger touched the bottom of her breast and gently pressed against its weight. Then, as slowly as cold molasses, his fingers moved over the fabric covering her breast. The full mound ripened beneath his caress, and he explored.

Hank’s breaths came faster as if there were not enough air in the room to fill his lungs. He cupped her in his big hand and thought he might die from the pleasure the feel of her brought. His fingers moved gently across her and she closed her eyes for a moment and smiled.

He’d never wanted a woman the way he wanted Aggie. For the first time he understood why men of old fought dragons for their women. The need for her was a physical ache so deep within him he thought his blood must surely be heating to boiling level. He stared at the cotton covering her breast as his hand twisted the material into his fist.

She pulled a few inches away. “You’ll rip the cloth.”

“Then take it off.” He spoke his thoughts in a voice so low he didn’t recognize it as his.

She rose, stood there, and stared at him. If she decided to walk away, he couldn’t even follow. With his leg, he would never be able to catch her if she ran. And he had a feeling that if he frightened Copyright 2016 - 2024