One Texas Night - By Jodi Thomas Page 0,116

thought of saying she doubted Devin cared, but she tried to smile as she said, “I’m sure it will be fine.”

When she entered the building, she was met by the three men who had gone with McCord to the station. One looked barely old enough to shave and the other two were like Cunningham—they’d fought for the South. They were all smiling at her.

As the men stepped aside, she glanced into the larger room that would become the hospital bay and she laughed. They’d put a tent in the middle of a room lined with boxes. One of the privates stepped forward. “We figured we didn’t have time to clean the place so we put up a new tent for you, ma’am, with supplies we found in some of these boxes.”

Another added, “You got a lock on the door to the room, so you’ll be safe, but you’ll have your own apartment once you’re in the building.” He lifted the flap. “We put some coals on the grate so you’ll be snug as a bug in here tonight.”

Annalane laughed and clapped her hands. “Thank you, gentlemen. I’ve never had something so grand.” They’d even put a little white tea set by the grate and a rug made from blankets on the floor.

They all smiled and would have watched her move in if Cunningham hadn’t shoved them along. “Lock the door behind us, ma’am. We’ll take turns tonight guarding outside, so all you have to do is yell if you need anything.”

Annalane thanked them each again, locked the door, and stepped inside her very own playhouse tent. She had the feeling a few of the items had been stolen from her brother’s room, but tonight she didn’t care. She was in heaven.

First, as she’d done for years traveling with the supply wagons and medical tents, she unpacked her few belongings and laid them out so they’d be in easy reach when she was called to work. Then she dressed in her white nightgown and warm robe that tied empire style. The hem might be frayed and the lace threadbare in a few places along the collar, but she always felt elegant in her robe.

She sat in front of a little mirror and brushed her hair, then braided it in a long braid. Smiling, she remembered how her mother used to tell her that she might never be a beauty, but she had pretty hair.

Her parents had both died two years ago when a flu hit the city hard that winter. Devin had been in his first year of medical school and couldn’t come home. She’d tried to keep working and deal with the debts. One by one she’d sold off everything they’d had, to pay bills and keep Devin in school. He resented having to join the army because there was no money to help set up his practice, but deep down Annalane had thought it would be good for him.

A knock sounded at the door just beyond the folds of her tent.

She checked her robe, slipped from her warm tent and opened the door.

McCord stepped inside, frowning. “Don’t unlock the door unless you know who is on the other side.”

“All right. Go out and knock. I’ll pretend I don’t know you.” He’d been nothing but cold to her all evening. If she didn’t know better she’d swear someone else had been in the shadows with her last night. Someone else had kissed her. Not this man who hadn’t looked at her once during dinner.

He ignored her suggestion and raised an eyebrow at the tent.

She was thankful for the distraction. “The boys put it up for me. Isn’t it great?”

He didn’t smile, but at least he stopped frowning. “Yeah, it is.”

“What did you need, Ranger McCord? It’s a little late for a social call and I do have a guard outside.”

McCord reached behind her and shoved the bolt. “I told that Clark kid, who’s guarding this place like it’s the national bank, to go eat some supper. I need to talk to you.”

“About what?” He’d had an hour to talk to her at dinner and never said a word.

“About this.” He leaned closer, backing her against the door, and hesitated a few inches from her mouth. “I’m going to kiss you again, Anna. If you have objections, you’d better voice them now. All you have to say is stop. Just say the word and I back away.” The words were snapped like orders he’d rehearsed. “But if you don’t . . Copyright 2016 - 2024