One Summer in Santa Fe - By Molly Evans Page 0,64

you. When you stumble, I’ll be there to help you up.” His voice was a husky whisper in her ear. “But you must promise to do the same for me.” A kiss to her cheek. “I want to build a life with you, Piper. Will you marry me someday soon?”

With emotion choking her throat tight, she nodded. “I will.”

“I love you. The rest is just details.”

They sealed the vow with a long, slow kiss.


Six weeks later

A BUNDLE of bright cheery balloons tied to the mailbox fluttered in the afternoon breeze. A “Welcome Home” banner adorned the threshold from the living room to the kitchen in Taylor’s house.

“They’re here! They’re here!” Alex dashed out the door into the driveway and jumped up and down until Taylor pulled the SUV to a halt. Piper followed along at a more reserved pace, but she wasn’t able to contain the smile on her face as she watched Taylor assist Caroline into a wheelchair. “What can I take?” Piper asked.

“There’s a pile of stuff in the backseat you can bring in,” Taylor said, and kissed Piper on the cheek. “Hi.”

“Mom, Mom! You’ll never guess what.”

“What?” Caroline said with a laugh. Thin and gaunt from the lengthy recuperation, Caroline’s pleasure at being with Alex was obvious. “Tell me what.”

“Uncle T. got me a gaming system!” Energy and excitement sparked off Alex. With his mom home, as well, his life was complete.

“Oh, like you need another one.” She turned to Taylor. “You weren’t supposed to spoil him so much.” The playful glare she gave turned soft with affection for both of them. As the only men in her life, she needed them both.

“It has educational programming, too. Don’t worry.” Taylor gave her shoulder a squeeze of reassurance.

“There’s even an exercise program for you,” Alex said. “It’ll make you stronger.”

“Now I see your ulterior motive,” she said, and pushed the wheelchair forward. “You’ve been talking to my physical therapist.”

Piper held the door as everyone bustled through into the kitchen. Caroline looked up at Piper, adjusted the wheelchair to face her and held out her hand. “Hello, Piper.”

“Hello, yourself.” Piper leaned over and greeted her new friend and soon-to-be sister-in-law. “It’s good to see you again. You look better now than in rehab.”

“I’m very happy to be here.” Caroline sniffed appreciatively. “Something smells wonderful.”

“We made you a cake,” Piper said, and drifted closer to Taylor. “We?”

“Alex and I. Taylor did the decorating.” She looked up as Taylor pulled her against his side.

Caroline laughed and placed a hand over her heart. “I never thought I’d ever hear that about my brother.”

“Come into the living room, and I’ll show you the exercise program, Mom.” Alex led the way and Caroline followed. She gasped at the state of Taylor’s living room. “What in the world happened in here?”

“It’s home now,” Taylor said, and let his eyes sweep the jumble that had once been a showroom.

“But…” Horrified concern filled her eyes.

“Don’t worry, I’m not.”

“I didn’t want to take over your life, Taylor.” Tears dripped down Caroline’s cheeks. She was still weak and easily overwhelmed.

“You didn’t. My life is more open than it’s ever been, and that’s a very good thing.” He crouched down beside her chair and placed a hand on hers. “I wouldn’t have had you hurt for anything, but this experience has been a life-changing one for me. One I needed more than I ever realized.”

Alex approached. “You should have seen the couch before we steam-cleaned it,” he said out of the corner of his mouth. “Grape soda.”

“Oh, Alex.”

“Caroline, it’s really okay.” Piper moved toward Taylor and slid her hand around his waist. “The Taylor you know is still in there, but he’s made a lot more room for the rest of us in his life.”

“Yeah,” Alex said. “He even said I could get a dog! Is that cool or what?”

“Taylor, are you ill?” Caroline asked, a frown on her face, and she blinked at him as if seeing him for the first time.

“No.” He looked at Piper. “I’m in love.”

Alex made a rude sound in his throat. “Same thing.”

ISBN: 978-1-4268-5262-6


First North American Publication 2010.

Copyright © 2009 by Brenda Schetnan.

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