One Summer in Santa Fe - By Molly Evans Page 0,58

to talk again when she woke. A simple nasal cannula provided the essential oxygen she needed. Though this was progress, he still couldn’t relax, wouldn’t give up his vigil at her bedside.

If only she’d wake up properly, he’d feel much better about her condition, know in his heart that she was going to survive and be his sister again. For so many years it had just been the two of them, depending on each other for support. If he lost her now, he didn’t know what he’d do. Losing Piper would break his heart. If he lost Caroline, too, he’d lose his mind.

He rested his head on the edge of her bed and closed his eyes with a sigh. He was so tired, physically and emotionally. A tingling sensation began in his hair and tugged. He shot upright as Caroline’s fingers moved with purpose. That was a fabulous sign of improvement. As he looked at her face, her eyes cracked open and held his gaze. She was in there.

“Hi, Caro,” he said, and reached out to touch her face as a thrill of relief shot through him. “You’re back.”

Nodding, she tried to speak, but her throat wouldn’t make words yet. Taylor reached over for a mouth sponge and wet it, brought it to her mouth to moisten it. “Hi,” she said, finally.

Taylor spoke to her, filling her in on what her injuries were, what had happened. Tears overflowed her eyes as she listened. “Alex?”

“He’s at rock-climbing camp today. He missed a few days, but I figured it was better for him to go than to hang around the hospital so much. I’ll bring him by after camp.” He left out the part where he felt totally incompetent in dealing with Alex’s grief. Other than spending time with the kid, there was little he could do at the moment until they knew how Caroline’s recovery was going to go.

Another nod and she closed her eyes, rested a moment, then opened them again. “Who’s Piper?” she asked.

Stunned, Taylor stared at her. “You know about Piper?” he asked.

Frowning, she closed her eyes again, thinking. “I remember something. Soft. Warm. Loving.”

Yes, Piper was all that and more. So much more, and he was beginning to see it, was beginning to not want to let go of it, beginning to see the change in himself. “She’s an ER nurse who took care of you when you first came in. A friend.”

“More.” The frown remained, as she opened her eyes. “Isn’t she?”

“Yes, she’s much more.” Taylor huffed out a shaky breath as emotions poured through him. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose as he struggled to control himself. He couldn’t appear weak in front of Caroline now, but he was so relieved. He needed to be strong for her, for Alex. Giving in to an emotional weakness was just plain unmanly. He couldn’t. He didn’t want to. But it seemed that his heart had other plans. Not long ago, he’d broken down with Piper, admitting things to her he’d never have done previously. A few deep breaths and clamping an iron will on the emotions he struggled to contain, he finally opened his damp eyes. “She’s much more.”

Caroline stared at him, her eyes clearer than they had been moments ago. “Tell me.” She looked into Taylor’s face. “You have feelings for her.”

“Yes.” He could no longer deny it. These feelings for Piper were stronger than anything he’d ever known. Sure, he’d had relationships, but they’d been the casual, no-strings-attached kind. What he felt for Piper was entirely different.

“Tell me, T.” She squeezed his hand. “Who is she?”

With a nod, he looked down at their entwined hands. This was his big sister that he’d share his joys and sorrows with all through his life. How was he going to tell her he loved a woman but couldn’t say the words? “She’s wonderful, and…I think I’m in love with her.” For the first time, he was able to admit that aloud and knew that it was true. The fear building in him nearly choked his throat closed. How could he ask Piper to stay when he was such a failure at relationships? How could he ask her to give him one more chance when he’d had more chances than he deserved?

“Taylor.” The heart monitor revealed the racing of Caroline’s heart. “You’re in love? How?”

“Like you suggested, I kept my feet on the ground long enough to meet the right woman.” Without any intention Copyright 2016 - 2024