One Summer in Santa Fe - By Molly Evans Page 0,54

him. When she moved with him, took his body inside hers, there was a peace, a sense of belonging that she’d never experienced before. They fit.

Taylor sighed in pure bliss as he eased within Piper’s soft body. A low shock pulsed through his system. It seemed that this was what he’d been seeking, searching for all of his life. The softness, the acceptance, the love that she offered as her hands crept up around his shoulders and pulled him tighter to her. Strength and energy eluded him as he lost himself in the joy of Piper’s body. Arms trembling, he touched her, treasured her body and teased a quiet response from her.

Her soft whispers, her sighs of pleasure heightened his own, until he lost himself in her. Pressing his forehead to hers, he watched her face. “Open your eyes.”

As her eyes locked with his, he let go and gave himself completely to Piper.

The smell of food woke Taylor. The summer sun shone through the window, and he bolted out of the bed. Grabbing the phone, he called the hospital to check on Caroline. Relieved that she was still stable, he calmed down. After a quick shower and dressing, he followed the delicious smells coming from the kitchen.

Alex stood beside Piper and poured batter into a hot skillet. “Not too much, or you’ll end up with one giant pancake instead of two normal-sized ones.”


“Hi, you two.” Taylor entered the room and headed for the coffeepot, which was almost full.

“Hi, Uncle T. Piper’s helping me make you breakfast.”

“I see that. Smells great.” In fact, everything smelled great and his mouth watered in anticipation. He turned from the pot to admire the blush on Piper’s cheeks, wondering if it was from the heat of the stove or a heat that he had generated that made her color. “I checked on your mom, and she’s stable. After we eat, I’ll take you over to see her.”

“Okay.” Alex picked up the spatula and checked the bottom of the pancake.

“Looks good enough to eat,” Piper said, then jumped when Taylor’s cheek brushed hers.

“So do you,” he whispered, then straightened.

“Yes, well. How about I get out of the way so you guys can go see Caroline?” She held the plate while Alex loaded the pancake on top of the pile. “I’m sure you don’t need me here, getting in the way.”

“Will you come with me? Us?” Alex asked, his eyes wide and uncertain.

“I’m a mess. I need to shower and change out of these scrubs.”

“Please?” Alex implored.

Piper looked at Taylor who gave a quick nod. “Let’s eat. I’ll go home and change, then meet you at the hospital. Okay? I have to turn in my badge anyway.” Having just spent an intense night with Taylor, she could use a break, to sort out her feelings that were about to spiral out of control and try to distance herself, to evade the allure of Taylor. Her nerves, her feelings were flayed raw right now. But as she looked at Alex, she knew she couldn’t leave him with his mom in critical condition. She had a gap in her work life now anyway. There was no reason she couldn’t help Alex out now, was there?

“Cool,” Alex whispered, and carried the plate to the table.

Taylor said nothing, but watched the interplay between the two and accepted the plate set in front of him.


A SHORT hour later, Piper entered the hospital and followed the signs to the ICU on the second floor. The nerves she’d kept at bay earlier now flooded through her, and she had to stop before she rounded the last corner. Closing her eyes, she took a few centering breaths. This wasn’t about seeing Taylor again. This wasn’t about them as a non-couple, this was about being a friend to him, to Alex, and helping them through a tough situation. No matter how she felt, they needed her right now.

Raised voices pulled her from her inner pep-talk, and she stepped into the hall leading to the ICU.

Taylor stood nose to nose with another physician. Alex was backed into a corner by the door, his eyes wide and fearful.

“Hi, guys. What’s going on?” she asked, and tried to project a calm energy toward Taylor who looked like he needed it. His face was red and his fists clenched at his sides. Testosterone fairly scorched the air.

“Dr. Jenkins here is being a butt-head.”

Piper recognized Ian McSorley and knew he was a friend of Taylor. “I see. Is Caroline okay?” Copyright 2016 - 2024