One Summer in Santa Fe - By Molly Evans Page 0,43

that he could be her forever man. The man she’d spend the rest of her days with. As her mind took an imaginary leap forward, there was no other man she wanted to stand beside, only Taylor. Maybe it was already too late for her, and she’d fallen and not known it.

Pulling back a little, she looked into his eyes and that was a mistake. When they’d first met, she’d thought he had eyes that saw right through a person. Now, watching him, looking deep into those depths, she knew it was true.

The phone rang, breaking the spell of desire between them.

Alex jumped up and raced to the kitchen. “It’s probably Mom.”

Piper watched Alex go, then let out a surprised little scream that was quickly silenced by Taylor’s hot mouth on hers. He pulled her onto his lap and then rolled, pinning her beneath him.

His mouth was hot and urgent against hers, and she let him take her deeply. The pressure of his body against hers made her want to reconsider staying with him. He could take her to heaven, she knew that. The crash back to earth was going to be painful, she knew that, too. Easing back from the kiss, she tried to cool the passion raging between them. He was like one giant overdose of chocolate. Just because she wanted him, it didn’t make him good for her.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, and sat up. “I can feel you pulling away.”

Piper sat and curved her hair around one ear and avoided his gaze. “I’m just not comfortable with Alex in the other room.”

Taylor stared at her, his eyes hard and assessing. “I’m not convinced. Something else is going on. Is it Elizabeth again?”

“Taylor, what are we doing together? You know I’m not the type of woman you usually go for.”

“So what? I happen to like being with you.”

“And that surprises you, doesn’t it?”

“Again, so what? I’m willing to go with the flow a while longer, see where we get to.”

“And that’s where we differ.”

“Are you saying you want to know my intentions toward you?”

“No. I’m saying I already know your intentions, and they won’t coexist with mine. We have some things in common, but in the long run you’ll be moving on, and I’ll be left holding my heart in pieces. I’ve done it before. I don’t want to do it again.” She stood and walked toward the door just as Alex entered the living room.

“She wants to talk to you,” he said, and held the phone out to Taylor.

“Piper, wait. Just a minute,” Taylor said, and took the phone.

Though his gaze remained on hers, he spoke to Caroline.

Without knowing what else to do while he was on the phone, Piper started to empty the dishwasher. She hadn’t gotten far when Taylor’s hand on her arm stopped her. “Don’t. This isn’t why I want you here.”

“It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not.” He pulled her away and shut the dishwasher. “We need to talk.”

The hairs on the back of her neck stood up when she heard that phrase. It was always the beginning of bad news, the end times were near. Protective instincts jumped into high gear as her heart raced and her breathing came too fast. “Taylor, it’s okay. Really. I understand.” Did she ever. This was the part where he said he didn’t need her any longer, thanks for a good time, now have a nice life, and I’ll get back to mine. Echoes of the past bombarded her. Just like her ex. She extricated her arm from his grip as bursts of anxiety jumped across her skin. “I’m sure you have things to do, and it’s been a long week for me. So I’ll just get going.” Before I humiliate myself more.

“Caroline’s coming back. A week early.”

“Is everything okay?” She moved away from him and leaned against the counter while she caught her breath.

“Yes. The company feels she’s ready to start at this point, and she’s flying into Albuquerque the end of next week.” He glanced away and ran a hand through his hair, his gesture of nerves.

Forcing a smile, Piper tried to keep her emotions from her face, but the telltale blush crawling up her neck betrayed her. “That’s great news. I’m sure Alex will be thrilled to have his mom back.”

“Yeah. I’m sure.” Taylor stuffed his hands into his pockets and turned away from her, not sure how he was going to feel about Alex going back with Caroline. It was certainly the right thing to Copyright 2016 - 2024