One Summer in Santa Fe - By Molly Evans Page 0,13

on the stretcher as exhaustion overcame him.

Taylor stood beside Piper as the ambulance pulled away. “So how do you think we should deal with Muffin?” he asked.

“I have some supplies in my car and can put him in a hazardous materials bag. If it’s been killed by a rabid coyote, isn’t someone going to want to know about it?”

“Wildlife Department. Let’s collect the remains, and then I’ll call them.” He looked at his watch and noticed the timer continued counting down the seconds of his commitment to Alex. “It’s probably too late for them to come get it. They’ll tell us what to do, though.”

Fifteen minutes later they had trekked to Piper’s car, collected Muffin’s body and placed it in Piper’s trunk. “That ought to do it,” she said, and squirted hand sanitizer in her palm and offered some to Taylor. “Just in case.”

“You come prepared, don’t you?” he asked, and rubbed the solution into his hands.

“Girl Scout of long ago and a home-care nurse sometimes.” She held up three fingers of her right hand and crossed her thumb over her pinky in the Girl Scout salute.

Full darkness had fallen and streetlights flickered on.

“Damn. I almost forgot about Alex.” Taylor looked at his watch, near to panic. “I was only supposed to be gone an hour and it’s been nearly two.” He was such a failure at being responsible.

“He would have called you if something was wrong, right?”

“Probably. Just the same, I’d better get home.” If something happened to the kid, he’d never forgive himself. He’d not only disappoint Alex, he’d disappoint his sister, too.

“Why don’t I drive you? It’ll be faster.” She placed her hand on his arm in a small gesture of reassurance.

“Thanks. It’s not far.” Relief poured over Taylor. He’d known Piper about two days, and she’d already been incredibly helpful to him. Somehow he was going to pay her back.

“With wild coyotes out there, you shouldn’t take any chances, right?”

“Right.” He grinned as Piper climbed into the little sedan he barely fit into.


WITHIN minutes, Piper had delivered Taylor to his house.

“Come in a minute while I check on Alex, and then I’ll call the Wildlife Department. Let me at least offer you a glass of water or something.”

Piper followed him through the garage, the kitchen and into the living room where Alex sat on the couch in his pajamas, listening to a headset and reading a book.

Startled at their abrupt presence in front of him, he jumped slightly and ripped the headset off. “What?”

“Are you okay?” Taylor asked. He stepped closer and ran a hand through his hair. “I was gone a lot longer than I told you.” He’d promised to take care of Alex. He just didn’t know how he was going to accomplish that by himself. Being thrust out of airplanes was a lot easier than being thrust into fatherhood. Or unclehood, or whatever you wanted to call it. The domain of the responsible adult male. A place he’d purposefully avoided and here he was standing knee-deep in it.

“You were?” Alex shrugged, his eyes wide and just a bit too innocent. “I didn’t notice.” He patted the book in front of him.

“What are you reading?” Piper asked, and stepped closer to the boy.

“Uh,” Alex said, and looked down.

Piper followed his glance and tried to hide the smirk that wanted to erupt onto her face. Reaching for the book, she turned it right side up and returned it to his lap. “You might want to try reading it this way. It’s a lot easier.”

Beneath his tawny skin, Alex flushed to the roots of his hair. “Busted,” he said under his breath, his lips barely moving.

“Busted is right,” Taylor said with a frown. “I thought you said you were going to read.”

“I was. I mean, I really wanted to, but I got so excited about tomorrow that I had to play some video games to calm down.” He leaped from the couch to reveal a horrific large stain on the fabric that the peroxide obviously hadn’t conquered. “Piper, Uncle T. signed me up for rock-climbing camp tomorrow. Thanks!” He gave her an exuberant hug and then raced to Taylor. After a brief hug, he pulled back. “Oh, gross. You’re sweaty.”

Taylor’s face revealed momentary shock before he laughed. “I am, man. Sorry.”

Alex backed away and walked toward the hall to the bedrooms. “Well, at least now I know what a polecat smells like. ’Night.”

“’Night, Alex.” Piper stood and redirected her attention to Taylor. “What was that Copyright 2016 - 2024