One Snowy Night (Sweet Home, Alaska #1) - Patience Griffin Page 0,89

the dog for a big old hug. You’re likely to get bitten.”

“What can I do?”

“Just be there for her. Be present but don’t hover,” Hope offered, though she could think of a million times when she hadn’t struck the right balance. “The goal is to not act overeager. Teenagers easily pick up the scent of desperate.”

“I wasn’t acting overeager—”

But Hope cut him off. “Yeah, you were.”

“Fine, I’ll do better. But only if you sit down and put your foot up. I’m going to hunt down some crutches for you today.”

Hope put herself into a chair and lifted her leg to rest in another one. “Crutches would be appreciated.”

“Don’t worry about working. You have sick days.”

Hope scoffed. “I’ve only been working for you for a short while.”

“We’re waiving the probation period.” Like she was part of Stone Enterprises, Inc. He stared her down. “You were hurt on the job. Period.”

“No. I was a klutz at that grocery store,” she said.

He poured a mug of coffee and set it in front of her. “Eggs? Bacon? Do I need to fix you a lunch?”

She threw a napkin at him. “I don’t like desperate either.”

“Good to know.” He popped a bagel in the toaster. “Breakfast will be ready soon.”

When the bagel was done, he set it in front of her with a container of whipped cream cheese. “I’ll be back.”

Piney showed up just as Hope finished her coffee and bagel and helped Hope to Elsie’s studio. “I know you want to start decorating today, but I feel like you should rest your ankle.”

Hope sighed. “You’re probably right.” The rest of the day was a blur as she first read the directions for the Arctic Adventures pattern, then worked out the details on how to redo the Sisterhood of the Quilt wall hanging. She also took time to make a project list of what needed to get accomplished in each room and each cabin to get all the decorating done in time. Izzie’s quilt pieces sat untouched in the box in the corner, but Hope knew that she would eventually get to them when the other work was done.

From what Hope could ascertain, several older women of Sweet Home were taking over her tasks as the lodge’s housekeeper. When she tried getting to her feet to find out what they were working on, Miss Lisa reminded Hope, “If you allow your ankle to heal properly, you’ll be back to work sooner.” But from her place on the couch, she was able to direct others on where to hang the new items on the wall after the paint was dry, what towels were to be stored for the cabins, and what linens were to go to the living quarters upstairs.

At some point, Donovan deposited a set of crutches next to her. But then she didn’t see him the rest of the day, not even when Sparkle announced that dinner was ready. But at least Ella showed up after school with Lacy in tow. With help from Piney, the girls quickly got to work cutting out their quilt for Wandering Moose Cabin. When it came time to go to Tyler’s party, they both seemed reluctant to leave their project. Ella even said she wouldn’t be gone long as she kissed Boomer’s nose. Two hours later, Ella and Lacy were back.

“We just want to work a little more on the quilt. Aberdeen said it was okay if Lacy stayed the night.”

“That’s fine by me.” Though her daughter hadn’t asked permission. Hope was just thrilled that Ella hadn’t come back drunk. “If you want, Sparkle just made hot cocoa. It’s in the kitchen.”

Ella picked up Boomer, who was really getting too big to lug around, and took him with her. When she and Lacy went to bed, Boomer went with them. Stoically, Hope made it upstairs by herself. Everyone had left and Donovan hadn’t returned from the hardware store.

Feeling lonely, Hope considered stealing Boomer from Ella, but the truth was that cuddling a dog wasn’t going to fix the problem.

* * *

• • •

FOR THE NEXT several weeks, Donovan worked night and day at the hardware store. He usually arrived home late to a quiet house and barely saw Hope at all. He glanced in the bathroom mirror and wondered what she thought of the Alaskan-man look he was sporting. He’d stopped shaving, to save time, and he’d needed a haircut even before coming back to Sweet Home.

He finished up in the bathroom and walked into the hall, wondering Copyright 2016 - 2024