One Snowy Night (Sweet Home, Alaska #1) - Patience Griffin Page 0,74

the road. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know. Mom?” Ella yelled over her shoulder. “Come see this.”

Donovan slipped on his boots and stepped outside as Mr. Brewster got out of his truck carrying not a new puppy this time, but a notebook. Donovan met him halfway. “’Morning, sir.”

“We’ve been waiting for you. We figured you’d be up early. But”—Mr. Brewster checked his watch—“I guess we were wrong.” He glanced at the door and then grinned at Donovan.

Donovan looked behind him to see that Hope was standing in the doorway, and then she disappeared. Ella had gone into the yard, her attention absorbed by the dog.

Mr. Brewster nodded toward Boomer. “I see that runt is thriving.”

Donovan had no interest in changing the subject. “I’m confused. Why is everyone here?”

Mr. Brewster motioned to the cars. “This is your labor for the repairs on the lodge.” He handed over the notebook. “I’ve made a list of workers and what you’re to pay them given their different skills and experience.” He passed him a second notebook. “This is an itemized list of the repairs that need to be made to the hardware store. I have other workers meeting me there in an hour. I figure you have the lodge under control, so I appointed myself foreman of the hardware store remodel. You know, I worked there part time for nearly twenty years. I’ll even stay on to stock the shelves for you so you’ll be open in time for the Christmas Festival.”

Donovan was speechless. He couldn’t believe Mr. Brewster had pulled this together overnight, while he and Rick had been spinning their wheels.

“I don’t know what to say,” Donovan finally sputtered.

“But, just tell me you have a list of things that you want done here at the lodge. Otherwise, all these people came here for nothing.”

“Yes, I have a long list ready.”

“I hear Hope is going to decorate for you,” Mr. Brewster said. “It’s good to see you two back together.” The old man gave him a stern look, as if a firm talking-to were coming. “But you two really should be married first before living together.” He nodded toward Ella. “It doesn’t set a very good example for little Isabella.”

“We’re not—” Donovan started.

But Mr. Brewster was already heading back to his vehicle.

* * *

• • •

HOPE FLED TO the kitchen, her cheeks blazing. Everyone in Sweet Home knew she was “shacking up” with Donovan Stone! She rifled through the cabinets, looking for a stainless-steel carafe to put hot coffee in so she could start a new pot. Elsie used to have one here.

Something was burning. She turned off the French toast.

Ella came back into the kitchen. “Where’s the laundry room?”

“Down the hall, last door on the right,” Hope answered. “How about some regular toast instead?”

“I’m not hungry.” Ella grabbed a cracker on her way out while Hope tossed her burned breakfast in the trash.

Donovan came into the kitchen, still looking shell-shocked. He took a slug of coffee before asking, “Why are you hiding?”

“I’m not.” She opened the fridge and stuck her face inside, hoping to cool it off. Also, she had a good reason for looking in there. “I’m checking if we have enough food to feed everyone.”

“Place a quick order with Piney and then I need your help picking out paint, tile, and furniture online.”

Hope turned to face him. “You can’t pick out furniture online. You have to sit on a couch or test a mattress to see if it’s comfortable.”

Donovan opened his mouth but didn’t get a chance to answer as Rick ambled in with a pleasant grin on his face.

“What’s going on?” Rick asked.

“Unexpected visitors,” Donovan said.


“A crew to start repairs on the lodge.”


“Did you call Mr. Brewster and set this up?”

“Who’s Mr. Brewster?” Rick asked.

“He’s an old friend of the family who’s appointed himself foreman of the hardware store,” Donovan answered.

“Then who’s foreman here?” Rick asked. “If I get a vote, I vote for you.”

“I’m delegating. I think you should oversee the lodge repairs. We should take advantage of all this labor while we have it.”

“Okay, I’ll take care of ordering lumber for the lodge and the hardware store. Then what are you going to do?” Rick asked.

“After I put in some online orders, I’m heading to the hardware store. It’s going to take a lot more effort to get the store up and running by Christmas than the lodge.”

Hope’s stomach fell. Which was crazy. She shouldn’t care if Donovan was here, there, or in Timbuktu. Making Rick foreman for Copyright 2016 - 2024