One Snowy Night (Sweet Home, Alaska #1) - Patience Griffin Page 0,69

the bags would probably freeze if they waited much longer.

Within about an hour most of their things were packed.

“Hope and I will head to the lodge to start washing Ella’s clothes,” Donovan said.

“No worries,” said Rick. “Sparkle and I will be right behind you, after we pack up the fridge.”

As Hope slid into Donovan’s car—ready to text Ella—Ella pulled up in front of them and hopped out.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

Hope rushed over to head her off at the pass. “The water heater broke and flooded the house.”

“So where are you going? Why are you leaving?” Ella looked panicked, as if Hope were abandoning her.

“You and I are going to stay at the lodge for a little while.”

“No! We should stay with Piney,” Ella argued.

“Sweetie, there isn’t room. You know that,” Hope said.

Ella looked over at Donovan, her expression guarded. “I don’t want to live with him. It’ll be weird.”

“You’ll be with me. I promise it won’t be weird at all. And as soon as the new mattresses arrive, we’ll have our pick of cabins to live in.” Of course, after the windows and holes were fixed. And the plumbing and electrical were checked.

“How soon will that be?” Ella looked as if she were working out the upcoming negotiation in her head. “How soon until we have our own cabin?”

“I don’t know, but I’ll ask him to put a rush on it, okay?”

“All right, I guess.”

“I’ll ride with you,” Hope said.

“No. I’ve got my stuff all over the front seat. I’ll meet you out there.”

But when Ella pulled out, she kept driving straight instead of turning left toward the lodge.

“What’s the matter?” Donovan said, making Hope jump.

She frowned. “Don’t sneak up on me.” She pulled out her phone. “Ella said she’s going to the lodge, but my car just drove past the turn.”

“Maybe she’s taking a different route,” Donovan speculated.

“Going down the wrong path is more like it.” Hope speed-dialed her daughter but it went to voice mail. She sighed into the phone as the message played and beeped. “Where are you headed?” And then, “Call me!” Hope hung up.

“Give her a minute,” Donovan said. “I’m sure she just needs time to absorb this. She’ll probably beat us out to the lodge.”

But Donovan was wrong. Ella wasn’t waiting for them. Hope left two more messages before she put the first load of Ella’s clothes into the washer. Rick and Sparkle carried the boxes to the hallway upstairs.

As promised, Donovan spread out Izzie’s drawings on the large table in the sewing studio and brought in a fan. Hope headed upstairs to unpack. She took her old room—the one she always used when she stayed over at the lodge—and she put Ella’s things in the bedroom next door.

Finally she headed downstairs to put in another load of laundry.

“I’ll do that,” Donovan said. “You go to bed.”

“No. I’m going to wait up for Ella.” Hope texted her again and then went to the living room to sit on the couch and gaze out the picture window, which gave her a view of the driveway. She stared at it for a long time while Donovan sat in his recliner across the room.

“Do you need anything to eat or drink?” he asked.

“No. I’m fine.” But Hope was a big liar. Where was she going to get the money to fix her house? Yes, it was Mr. Morse’s responsibility to fix things, but he had done little for repairs over the years and she had gotten used to taking care of things herself. She closed her eyes and said a prayer, but she wasn’t sure if God was listening, as He certainly had more pressing matters. Like always, Hope was on her own.

“Hope? Hope?” Donovan was nudging her awake.

But she was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. “What is it?” she murmured, not opening her eyes.

“It’s Ella.”

Hope shot up. “Is she hurt?”

Donovan grabbed her arms, steadying her. “I’m sure she’s fine. I woke you because she’s been sitting out in the car for at least ten minutes. Should I go get her?”

“No. I’ll do it.”

Donovan walked her to the door. He pulled her coat from the old coatrack and handed it to her without saying more.

Hope hurried out on the porch and headed down the stairs. As she rushed to the car, she saw Ella through the foggy window tipping back a bottle, and not a soft drink bottle either. It looked like a full-size cheap chardonnay.

Hope slung open the door. “What are you doing?”

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