One Snowy Night (Sweet Home, Alaska #1) - Patience Griffin Page 0,46

pretty much a ghost town.

A thought hit Hope. Izzie was right. Maybe this wouldn’t have happened if only she’d been grateful for all her blessings last night . . . like having a job. And not having to beg Donovan for a chance to be his housekeeper!

“Well?” Hope said. “Can I at least interview for it?”

“Hope,” Donovan said on a frustrated sigh, “I don’t want to hire you to clean up after me and the guests who stay here. It’s beneath you.”

Oh, that got her riled. “Nothing is beneath me! I think you’ve forgotten that here in Alaska, we have to suck it up and do what has to be done.” She had an idea. “And just so you’ll feel better, how about you give me the job, and I promise not to clean up after you. You’ll have to pick up your own clothes off the floor until you leave. Do we have a deal?” It felt like she’d stuck out her hand for him to shake.

“Sure,” he finally said, not sounding at all happy about the arrangement. “When can you start?”

Hope hesitated. Was she really doing this? Apparently she was. Piney was gathering up Hope’s coat and holding it out to her.

“Hope? Are you there?” Donovan said.

“I guess I can start right now.”

* * *

• • •

DONOVAN HUNG UP and looked around the lodge, then down at his feet. Boomer was tugging on his shoelace. He reached down and picked up the furball. “Wow. I didn’t see that coming. What a strange turn of events, buddy.”

He wished Rick hadn’t gone into town. It would be nice to have him as a buffer when Hope got here. Or for Donovan to have someone to talk to until Hope arrived. He didn’t know what he was going to say to her, even after eight long days of dwelling on little else.

For the past few days, he’d spied on Ella—his daughter. He still wasn’t used to the word. He’d found out when school started and ended and had sat outside Sweet Home High . . . to see evidence that she belonged to him.

But there was no denying it. The second Hope confirmed it, Donovan knew in his gut that Ella was his. She had super blue eyes, just like him, Dad, and Beau. Her hair was dark blond, just like his, too, not dark brown like Hope’s.

He took Boomer into the kitchen and sat him down in front of his water dish.

“Maybe I should just give her all the cash in my wallet when she gets here and send her on her way. We have too much history between us for her to work for me.”

But another thought hit him. Working at the lodge would serve her right for what she’d done to his family. But then Donovan remembered his promise to Beau, how he would forgive Hope. He could almost hear the universe laughing. Good luck with that!

Donovan frowned at the list he’d started of things to be done around the house and cabins.

“But she’d said she wouldn’t pick up after me.”

Boomer looked up at him.

“Yeah. I don’t blame her either.”

He needed to find a way to deal with her being here. “Maybe I’ll start her working on Wandering Moose Cabin. The farthest one from the lodge.”

Boomer whimpered and Donovan picked him up. “You know, if you didn’t need so much attention, maybe I wouldn’t need help at all.”

Boomer licked Donovan’s hand and Donovan lovingly scratched his dog behind the ears. “You’re a lot of trouble, but I’m glad you’re here. You’re a good listener.”

There was a knock at the door. Donovan trudged toward it, surprised Hope had gotten here so quickly.

He opened the door. Courtney! He looked past her but didn’t see Hope’s car on the road leading up to the lodge. He should get rid of Courtney quickly. He had a feeling it wouldn’t be a good idea to have her here when Hope arrived.

But then, he thought, Why should I care?

“Hey, Courtney, what’s going on?” he said.

She smiled brightly. “I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by.” She hefted a rather large purse and leaned in, as if she were ready to walk over the threshold. “I have some things to show you.”

“Sure. Why not?” Why not pulled in behind Courtney’s red Volvo.

Courtney turned around and squinted. “Is that Hope McKnight?”

“Yes.” He didn’t have to explain to either woman why the other was here. Heck, he didn’t even know why Courtney was here.

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