One Snowy Night (Sweet Home, Alaska #1) - Patience Griffin Page 0,44

forgotten the dramatic reveal at the lodge.

“I’m okay,” Hope said, trying to deflect him with a perky employee-of-the-month act. “Can I help you find anything while you wait for Sparkle?

“Actually, I need to speak with Piney about hanging something on the bulletin board.” He held up a sheet of paper. “For Donovan,” Rick clarified.

Hope didn’t even try to look at what he had in his hand. She couldn’t care less. Donovan coming back to town had upended her family, and neither he nor his poster deserved her notice. If she had been sleeping a little better, and if her daughter were speaking to her, Hope might feel more generous toward Donovan. But none of these things were the case.

“Piney’s in the back.”

“Thanks,” Rick said, before walking down the aisle.

A few minutes later, he reappeared with a frown on his face and headed for the bulletin board.

“I have pushpins at the register, if you need them.”

He nodded silently and hung up the piece of paper. Then he turned back to Hope, looking utterly miserable, nothing like the ultra-positive Rick.

“Can I help with anything else?” Hope asked.

Rick looked around first, as if to make sure they were alone. “How about some advice?”

“That depends,” Hope said guardedly, in case Rick wanted to talk about Donovan.

“Piney seems to hate me. How do I get on her good side?”

Suddenly it all snapped into place—why Piney had been acting weird all week, and what she probably wanted to talk about. She was worried about Rick’s intentions toward Sparkle. Which made perfect sense. After all, rumor had it that Piney had fallen for a good-looking, sweet-talking oil worker who didn’t stick around . . . Sparkle’s dad. Though she didn’t normally show it, Piney must have had some pretty hard feelings about him taking off the moment Piney told him she was pregnant. But Hope couldn’t tell Rick any of that. It wasn’t her place. “There’s only one thing you can do. Be a good man and don’t mess with Sparkle’s emotions.”

“I’m not messing with Sparkle. I really like her,” Rick said. “It’s strange. The second I saw her, I knew I wanted to be near her.”

Just the way Hope felt when Donovan had moved in next door.

“Love at first sight,” she murmured.

Rick smiled eagerly, as if to say, You get it.

Hope wanted to quash that smile, tell him that love at first sight was bogus. That she was living proof of that.

“Piney seemed to dislike me from the get-go,” said Rick. “I don’t understand it. I’ve been polite, respectful. I’m a nice guy. Ask anyone.” He didn’t say Donovan’s name, but he didn’t have to. “Tell me what I gotta do.”

“Don’t keep Sparkle out all night, would be a great place to start!” Piney huffed, startling them both. “Sparkle is still healing from surgery. Did you know it takes twelve to eighteen months to mend internally after being cut open?”

Rick had it right. Piney didn’t like him.

“Two o’clock in the morning,” Piney muttered.

“Sorry, Ms. Douglas. It won’t happen again.” Rick looked genuinely contrite. “I was going to take her to a play tonight in Anchorage . . . The Little Mermaid. But I’ll cancel.”

Piney rolled her eyes. “Fine. Take her to the play. Sparkle doesn’t get a chance to do many things like that. Get her a hotel room of her own. And have her go there alone at a decent hour.”

Hope didn’t think Piney could have much control over the hotel situation. But then she kept talking.

“I’m only going to say this once. If you get my daughter pregnant, I promise you that you’ll regret it. I’ll make sure your nuggets are hanging above the door next to the chimes. Am I making myself clear?” Piney never made threats, but Hope believed her now.

Rick’s expression said he believed her, too. “Yes, ma’am.” He paused for a second. “I really like your daughter.” He looked as if he were going to say more but stopped.

Piney stared at him for a long moment. Then she scoffed, “We’ll see.”

Hope intervened. “Rick? Can I get you a cup of coffee and maybe a cookie to go with it?”

He smiled at her gratefully. “That would be nice. Thanks.”

She led the way to the diner and poured him a mugful. “Hang in there,” she told him before she headed back to the grocery side.

When Sparkle came down the stairs, Rick stood up. But Piney intercepted her at the bottom of the steps.

“You’re going to take the day off. Rick is here Copyright 2016 - 2024