One Snowy Night (Sweet Home, Alaska #1) - Patience Griffin Page 0,29

pulled up in her red sedan. Not necessarily the person Hope wanted to see.

Courtney had dated Donovan in high school, and Hope pretty much had a problem with anyone who dated Donovan. That meant she liked very few of the women her age who remained in Sweet Home. Also, Courtney was too pretty, if that was such a thing. Her blond hair was always perfect and her green eyes were dazzling. Hope felt like an ugly duckling next to Courtney. It didn’t help that she was always dressed nicely, like today. Hope looked down at her worn kuspuk. Piney had declared Kuspuk Fridays for all her employees. Hope really needed fabric to make herself a new kuspuk. But paying her utility bill came first.

As Courtney got out of her car, she waved to Hope, which was surprising. Hope half waved back. She was even more surprised as Courtney opened the door to the Hungry Bear.

She looked around and said, “My date isn’t here yet. I’ll sit in the diner and wait.”

Hope looked out the window again, wondering who her date might be. There were only a few bachelors left in town: Mr. Brewster, One-tooth Joe, and Crazy Lyle. The rest of the men were married. Except she had heard that Jesse Montana might be coming back to town. He was the only guy she’d ever dated besides Donovan. If she could call one time actually dating.

She glanced at Courtney as Sparkle set out two coffee mugs, filling one of them.

When Hope turned around, Rick was coming through the door. Now, that makes sense. Rick was as beautiful as Courtney. They would make the perfect couple.

Rick did go to Courtney and held out his hand, introducing himself, but he didn’t sit. Instead, he went to the small counter and engaged Sparkle in conversation, though he was the only one speaking.

The door opened once again. This time it was Donovan.

Hope didn’t have time to think before Courtney was motioning him to the diner side of the Hungry Bear.

“Hey, you,” Courtney said. “Come have some coffee with me.”

Hope should’ve been glad that Donovan was alive. She had a vivid and accurate imagination when it came to dismemberment and death. But dating Courtney? No! Just no!

Donovan looked at Hope, his expression something resembling an apology. At least there was that. Boomer was tucked into his jacket and she melted a little because Donovan had such a good heart when it came to animals. And once, a long time ago, he’d given his good heart to her. But having a date with Courtney Wolf under Hope’s nose at the Hungry Bear erased it all.

As he walked past Hope, he mumbled something. It sounded like No other place in town to meet.

So maybe he wasn’t trying to rub Courtney in her face. But she felt sick just the same. She looked around for something to do. Someplace close to the diner side of the building. She decided on the magazine rack. The latest Real Men of Alaska—a dating service magazine for the desperate—needed to be straightened. Every woman within a hundred-mile radius had thumbed through the magazine, looking for Mr. Right or Mr. Grizzly. Maybe Hope should buy this issue to show everyone she had options. But she couldn’t . . . the utility bill. She leaned over, trying to catch what Donovan and Courtney were saying without them seeing her, and she nearly tumbled over. Thank goodness Hope righted herself before they saw her as a jealous fool.

Now Sparkle was taking them each a muffin, although Courtney’s sleek figure indicated she didn’t touch white sugar. Hope wished she looked like Courtney. In high school, Courtney was a cheerleader and Hope was just herself, watching from the sidelines, while Donovan made touchdowns—on and off the field. But Hope always had one thing that Courtney didn’t. Hope loved Donovan with all her heart, and she knew no one would ever love him as much as she had.

As much as she did, still. Which was just pathetic. She never dated. Even if she’d found someone decent, she wouldn’t act on it. She knew what real love felt like and was certain that particular brand of lightning wouldn’t strike again. Especially for her. She was destined to live out the rest of her days alone. Which was pitiable.

At least she had Ella.

A sudden fear came over Hope. Today was Friday, and Ella might be out drinking again tonight, even though football season had ended last week. She had no Copyright 2016 - 2024