One Snowy Night (Sweet Home, Alaska #1) - Patience Griffin Page 0,115

way home from the hospital.”

“Shhh,” Hope said. “It’s a secret between the three of us.”

Ella sighed. “Don’t you think there’s been enough secrets, Mom?”

“Our daughter has a point.” Donovan sounded more and more like a proud father. “Let’s share the good news.”

Hope gave a little shrug, which apparently was all the encouragement Ella needed. She jumped to her feet.

“Can I get everyone’s attention, please?” Ella said above the noise. “I have an announcement to make.”

Gradually the room was hushed.

Ella turned back and beamed at her parents before pushing on. “I just wanted to let you all know that you’re invited to a wedding. My mom and dad are getting married!”

The room was stunned for a moment, then clapping broke out. Above the din Piney shouted, “It’s about time!”

Donovan pulled Hope closer and they stared into each other’s eyes for a long moment.

This time Ella plopped down beside Donovan, lighting up the whole room with her delighted grin. “That was easy.”

Hope nudged Donovan. “Have you ever seen a happier kid?”

“Never.” Donovan kissed her temple, then kissed Ella on the head.

People came over to congratulate them and Hope had never been happier either. When it calmed down, she said, “You know, this rush wedding that you want is going to require a lot of work. I’m sure we can arrange to be married at the church, but I’m not sure what we can do about a reception, especially with the two of us banged up.”

Sparkle and Piney appeared, squeezing in on the couch on either side of the trio.

Piney pulled out a notebook. “You don’t need to worry about a thing. Sparkle and I have it all planned out.”

“What? It was just announced,” Hope said.

Sparkle laughed. “Mom and I made the lists a month ago. We’ve even got some of the food made; it’s in the freezer at the Hungry Bear.” Rick came up behind Sparkle and laid a hand on her shoulder, making Hope wonder when the two of them were going to tie the knot.

“I’m confused,” Hope said. “I didn’t even know there was going to be a wedding until a few days ago.”

Piney reached over and squeezed her hand. “Buttercup, haven’t I told you a thousand times that I can predict the future?”

“Yes, well, you haven’t always been correct with your predictions,” Hope said. “What was it, fifteen years ago when you predicted I’d no longer have to worry about money? That I’d go on an exciting journey? That I’d settle in with the love of my life?” Suddenly Hope was gobsmacked. All of those things had come true.

Piney laughed. “My predictions always come true . . . eventually.”

Boomer wandered over and jumped up, putting his paws on Ella’s knees. She picked him up, setting him on her lap. With the growing pup the couch was at more than full capacity.

Sparkle smiled up at Rick, then back at Hope. “All of us had more than an inkling that there was going to be a happy ending here. You and Donovan are meant to be together.”

“I concur,” Donovan said. “It just took me seventeen years to come to my senses.”

* * *

• • •

THE NEXT FEW days flew by, and with each one, Hope felt better, more like herself. Plus she was eager to be married to the man she’d loved her whole life. It was decided they would marry at midnight mass on Christmas with the big wedding reception set for New Year’s Eve, exactly eighteen years after Izzie and Beau’s death. Hope was immediately against it when Ella made the suggestion, but Piney assured her it would be good karma for her and Donovan to make happy memories on the anniversary of the accident. She claimed her tarot cards agreed.

Christmas Eve morning, Hope, Donovan, and Ella rose early for breakfast and quiet time before the whirlwind of activity began. Boomer was in rare form, running around as if he knew something exciting was going to happen that night.

“Are you sure we can’t open presents now?” Ella sounded like she was six again.

“Nope,” Hope said quickly, before Donovan gave in to her. “In the morning.”

“But you’ll sleep in, especially since the wedding is so late tonight.”

“We promise to get up.” Donovan winked at Hope. She still couldn’t believe she’d caved and let him buy Ella a used Subaru Outback, which Jesse and Shaun Montana had promised to drop off early in the morning. The speed at which Donovan found and bought the car made Hope wonder if he’d Copyright 2016 - 2024